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counsel n.商议;忠告;律师

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1. [mass noun] advice, especially that given formally
• (尤指正式的)建议;忠告
  (archaic)consultation, especially to seek or give advice
[古] 协商;讨论
2. [复同单] a barrister or other legal adviser conducting a case
• 律师;法律顾问
 »the counsel for the defence.
(counselled, counselling; 美 counseled, counseling)
1. [with obj.] give advice to (someone)
• 劝告;建议
 »[with obj. and infinitive] he was counselled by his supporters to return to Germany.
  give professional psychological help and advice to (someone)
• 给(某人)专业的心理指导(或咨询)
 »he was being counselled for depression.
  recommend (a course of action)
• 建议(采取行动)
 »the athlete's coach counselled caution.
a counsel of despair
1. an action to be taken when all else fails
• 一切都失败后采取的行动
a counsel of perfection
1. advice that is ideal but not feasible
• 理想而不切实际的劝告
keep one's own counsel
1. say nothing about what one believes, knows, or plans
• 对信仰(或所知、计划)闭口不提
 »she doubted what he said but kept her own counsel.
take counsel
1. discuss a problem
• 商量问题;商讨问题
 »the party leader and chairman took counsel together.
1. Middle English: via Old French counseil (noun), conseiller (verb), from Latin consilium 'consultation, advice', related to consulere (see consult ).
--› compare council

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