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court n.法院,法庭;庭院v.献殷勤,追求,招致危险

/ kC:t /

1. (也作 court of law)a body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or a magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases
• (民事或刑事案件中的)全体法官(审判员);审判庭
 »a settlement was reached during the first sitting of the court.
 »she will take the matter to court.
 »[as modifier] a court case.
  the place where such a body meets
• 法庭;法院
2. a quadrangular area, either open or covered, marked out for ball games such as tennis or squash
• (网球或壁球等露天或室内的)球场
 »a squash court.
  a quadrangular area surrounded by a building or group of buildings
• 庭院;天井;短街
  [Court] used in the names of large houses or blocks of flats
• 公寓大楼;大宅第
 »Hampton Court.
3. the establishment, retinue, and courtiers of a sovereign
• 朝臣;侍臣
 »the emperor is shown with his court.
  a sovereign and his or her councillors, constituting a ruling power
• 朝廷
 »relations between the king and the imperial court.
  a sovereign's residence
• 王宫;宫廷;宫殿
4. the qualified members of a company or a corporation
• (公司等的)董事(会);理事(会)
  a meeting of such a body
• 董事会会议;理事会会议
1. [with obj.] [dated] be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying
[旧] 追求;恋爱;求爱;求婚
 »he was courting a girl from the neighbouring farm.
 »[no obj.] we went to the cinema when we were courting.
  (of a male bird or other animal) try to attract (a mate)
• (雄性鸟类或动物)求偶
  pay special attention to (someone) in an attempt to win their support or favour
• 向…献殷勤(以获支持、宠爱)
 »Western politicians courted the leaders of the newly independent states.
  go to great lengths to win (favourable attention)
• 竭尽全力争取(好感)
 »he never had to court the approval of the political elite.
  risk incurring (misfortune) because of the way one behaves
• 招致;招惹
 »he has often courted controversy.
go to court
1. take legal action
• 上法院;打官司
in court
1. appearing as a party or an advocate in a court of law
• 出庭;在法庭上
out of court
1. before a legal hearing can take place
• 不经法庭听审;私下
 »they are trying to settle the squabble out of court.
 »[as modifier] an out-of-court settlement.
2. treated as impossible or not worthy of consideration
• 不屑一顾;不值得考虑
 »the price would put it out of court for most private buyers.
pay court to
1. pay flattering attention to someone in order to win favour
• 奉承;讨好;献殷勤
1. Middle English: from Old French cort, from Latin cohors, cohort- 'yard or retinue'. The verb is influenced by Old Italian corteare, Old French courtoyer.
--› compare cohort

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