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crack vi.&vt.发出爆裂声

/ krAk /

1. a line on the surface of something along which it has split without breaking into separate parts
• 裂缝;裂口;裂纹
 »a hairline crack down the middle of the glass.
  a narrow space between two surfaces, especially ones which have broken or been moved apart
• 缝隙;裂缝
 »he climbed into a crack between two rocks.
 »the door opened a tiny crack.
  (figurative)a vulnerable point; a flaw
[喻] 瑕疵;缺点
 »the company spotted a crack in their rival's defences.
2. a sudden sharp or explosive noise
• 爆裂声;噼啪声
 »a loud crack of thunder.
  a sharp blow, especially one which makes a noise
• (尤指发出响声的)猛烈一击
 »she gave the thief a crack over the head with her rolling pin.
  a sudden harshness or change in pitch in a person's voice
• (音调的)突然变化;变粗哑
 »the boy's voice had an uncertain crack in it.
3. [informal] a joke, typically a critical or unkind one
[非正式] 笑话;俏皮话;挖苦话
  [Scottish & N. English] a conversation
[苏格兰,北英格兰] 聊天;谈话
 »they are having a great crack about shooting.
4. (也作 craic)[mass noun] [Irish] enjoyable entertainment or activity;a good time
[爱尔兰] 愉快的娱乐(活动);开心的时间
 »he loved the crack, the laughing.
5. [in sing.] [informal] attempt to gain or achieve something
[非正式] 尝试得到(达到)
 »I fancy having a crack at winning a fourth title.
  a chance to attack or compete with someone
• 进攻机会;竞争机会
 »he wanted to have a crack at the enemy.
6. (也作 crack cocaine)[mass noun] a potent hard crystalline form of cocaine broken into small pieces and inhaled or smoked
• 强效纯可卡因
1. break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts
• (使)开裂;(使)破裂
 »[no obj.] the ice all over the bog had cracked.
 »[with obj.] take care not to crack the glass.
  break or cause to break open or apart
• (使)爆裂;(使)破裂
 »[no obj., with adverbial] a chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm.
 »his face cracked into a smile.
 »[with obj.] she cracked an egg into the frying pan.
  [with obj.] break (wheat or corn) into coarse pieces
• 将(麦子或谷物)磨碎
  (figurative)give way or cause to give way under torture, pressure, or strain
[喻] (使)(因折磨、压力或疲惫)发狂;(使)垮下
 »[no obj.] the witnesses cracked and the truth came out.
 »[with obj.] no one can crack them—they believe their cover story.
  [no obj.] (crack up)[informal] suffer an emotional breakdown under pressure
[非正式] (因压力)感情崩溃
  [no obj.] (crack up)[informal] burst into laughter
[非正式] 大笑;爆笑
2. make or cause to make a sudden sharp or explosive sound
• 使)发出尖锐(或爆裂)声
 »[no obj.] a shot cracked across the ridge.
 »[with obj.] he cracked his whip and galloped away.
  [no obj.] knock against something, making a noise on impact
• (发出声音的)撞上;碰撞
 »she winced as her knees cracked against metal.
  [with obj.] hit (someone or something) hard, making a sharp noise
• (猛烈地)击打;敲打
 »she cracked him across the forehead.
  [no obj.] (of a person's voice, especially that of an adolescent boy or a person under strain) suddenly change in pitch
• (尤指青春期的男孩或在压力下的)变声;声音嘶哑
 »‘I want to get away,’ she said, her voice cracking.
3. [with obj.] [informal] find a solution to; decipher or interpret
[非正式] 解决;破译;解释
 »the code will help you crack the messages.
  break into (a safe)
• 强行进入;砸开(保险箱)
  succeed in achieving
• 成功获得
 »he cracked a brilliant goal.
4. [with obj.] decompose (hydrocarbons) by heat and pressure with or without a catalyst to produce lighter hydrocarbons, especially in oil refining
• (尤指炼油)(高温或压力)分解(碳氢化合物)
 »[as noun cracking] catalytic cracking.
1. [attrib.] very good, especially at a specified activity or in a specified role
• (尤指特定活动或角色)顶呱呱的;一流的;极棒的
 »he is a crack shot.
 »crack troops.
crack a book
1. [N. Amer. informal] open a book and read it; study
[北美,非正式] 研读;学习
crack a bottle
1. open a bottle, especially of wine, and drink it
• 开瓶(尤指开葡萄酒的酒瓶)喝酒
crack a crib
1. [Brit. archaic, informal] break into a house
[英,古,非正式] 破门而入
crack of dawn
1. a time very early in the morning; daybreak
• 黎明;拂晓
crack of doom
1. a thunder peal announcing the Day of Judgement
• 世界末日的霹雳
crack of the whip
1. [Brit. informal] a chance to try one's hand at or participate in something
[英,非正式] 尝试机会;参与机会
 »individuals who feel that they have not had a fair crack of the whip.
cracked up to be
1. [with negative] [informal] asserted to be (used to indicate that someone or something has been described too favourably)
[非正式] 断定(指对某人某事某物的优点夸大地宣扬)
 »life on tour is not as glamorous as it's cracked up to be.
crack wise
1. [N. Amer. informal] make jokes
[北美,非正式] 开玩笑;说笑话
get cracking
1. [informal] act quickly and energetically
[非正式] 积极迅速地行动
 »most tickets have been snapped up, so get cracking if you want one.
slip (或 fall) through the cracks
1. [N. Amer.] . another way of saying slip through the net (see net )
[北美] slip through the net (见 net)
cracky adjective
1. Old English cracian 'make an explosive noise'; of Germanic origin; related to Dutch kraken and German krachen
crack down on
1. [informal] take severe measures against
[非正式] 采取严厉措施;严厉打击
 »we need to crack down hard on workplaces that break safety regulations.
crack on
1. [informal] proceed or progress quickly
[非正式] 快速前进;迅速进步
 »we'll crack on with the second half of the job this month.

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