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crisp a.脆的;卷曲的

/ krisp /

1. (of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle, especially in a way considered pleasing or attractive
• 干而脆的;松脆易碎的
 »crisp bacon.
 »the snow is lovely and crisp.
  (of a fruit or vegetable) firm, indicating freshness
• (水果或蔬菜)新鲜脆生的
 »a crisp lettuce.
  (of the weather) cool, fresh, and invigorating
• (天气)清新的;凉爽的
 »a crisp autumn day.
  (of paper or cloth) smoothly and attractively stiff and uncreased
• (纸或布)挺括的
 »£65 in crisp new notes.
  (of hair) having tight curls, giving an impression of rigidity
• (头发)卷曲的;鬈的
2. (of a way of speaking) briskly decisive and matter-of-fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail
• (说话方式)干脆的;干净利落的;简明的
 »her answer was crisp.
1. (也作 potato crisp)[Brit.] a wafer-thin slice of potato fried until crisp and eaten as a snack or appetizer
[英] 薯片;油炸土豆片
verb, [with obj.]
1. give (something, especially food) a crisp surface by placing it in an oven or grill
• (用炉子或烤架)将(食物等)表皮烤脆
 »crisp the pitta in the oven.
  [no obj.] (of food) acquire a crisp surface in this way
• (食物)有脆皮的
 »open the foil so that the bread browns and crisps.
  (archaic)curl into short, stiff, wavy folds or crinkles
[古] 起皱纹的;起波纹的
burn something to a crisp
1. burn something completely, leaving only a charred remnant
• 烧焦
crisply adverb
crispness noun
1. Old English (referring to hair in the sense 'curly'): from Latin crispus 'curled'. Other senses may result from symbolic interpretation of the sound of the word

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