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crop n.庄稼;收成;一批 vt.收割 vi.收成,耕种

/ krCp /

1. a cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially, especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable
• 作物;庄稼(尤指谷类、蔬菜、水果等)
 »the main crops were oats and barley.
  an amount of such plants or their produce harvested at one time
• (作物的)收成;产量
 »a heavy crop of fruit.
  an abundance of something, especially a person's hair
• (尤指头发)大量;丰富
 »he had a thick crop of wiry hair.
  the total number of young farm animals born in a particular year on one farm
• (农场一年的)牲口总产量
  a group or amount of related people or things appearing or occurring at one time
• (同时涌现的)一群(人或物);一批;一系列
 »the current crop of politicians.
  the entire tanned hide of an animal
• 经鞣制的整张兽皮
2. a hairstyle in which the hair is cut very short
• 平头;(剪成)短发
3. short for riding crop or hunting crop
• riding crop 或 hunting crop 的简称
4. a pouch in a bird's gullet where food is stored or prepared for digestion
• (鸟类的)嗉囊
  a similar organ in an insect or earthworm
• (昆虫或蚯蚓等的)消化器官
(cropped, cropping)
1. cut (something, especially a person's hair) very short
• (尤指头发)剪得极短
 »[as adj. cropped] cropped blonde hair.
  (of an animal) bite off and eat the tops of (plants)
• (动物)吃掉(植物的)上部
 »the horse was gratefully cropping the grass.
  cut the edges of (a photograph) in order to produce a better picture or to fit a given space
• 裁切(照片)
2. [常作be cropped] harvest (plants or their produce) from a particular area
• 收获(庄稼)
 »hay would have been cropped several times through the summer.
  sow or plant (land) with plants that will produce food or fodder, especially on a large commercial scale
• (尤指商业性大规模地)播种;种地
 »the southern areas are cropped in cotton.
 »[as adj., with submodifier] intensively cropped areas.
  [no obj.] (of land or a plant) yield a harvest of plants or produce
• (土地或植物)收获庄稼
 »the parsley will need protection to continue cropping through the winter.
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to German Kropf. From Old English to the late 18th cent. there existed a sense 'flower head, ear of corn', giving rise to sense 1 and senses referring to the top of something, whence sense 3
crop out
1. (of rock) appear or be exposed at the surface of the earth
• (岩石、石头)露出地面;露头
crop up
1. appear, occur, or come to one's notice unexpectedly
• 意外地出现;意外地发生;意外地引人注意
 »some urgent business had cropped up.

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