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cry n.&v.叫,喊,哭;(鸟兽)叫,啼,鸣,嗥

/ krai /

(-ies, -ied)
1. [no obj.] shed tears, especially as an expression of distress or pain
• (因悲伤,疼痛)哭泣;流泪
 »don't cry—it'll be all right.
 »[with obj.] you'll cry tears of joy.
  shout or scream, especially to express one's fear, pain, or grief
• (尤指因害怕,疼痛或悲伤)叫喊;尖叫
 »the little girl fell down and cried for mummy.
  [with direct speech] say something in an excited or anguished tone of voice
• (激动或痛苦地)叫喊;大声说出
 »‘Where will it end?’ he cried out.
  (cry out for)(figurative)demand as a self-evident requirement or solution
[喻] 迫切需要
 »the scheme cries out for reform.
  (of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call
• (鸟或其他动物)鸣;叫
 »the wild birds cried out over the water.
  [with obj.] (of a hawker) proclaim (wares) for sale in the street
• (小贩)街头叫卖
(pl. -ies)
1. a spell of weeping
• (一阵)哭泣
 »I still have a cry, sometimes, when I realize that my mother is dead.
  a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion
• (表示强烈感情的)叫喊;尖叫
 »a cry of despair.
  a distinctive call of a bird or other animal
• (鸟或其他动物的)鸣声;叫声
  a loud excited utterance of a word or words
• 口号
 »there was a cry of ‘Silence!’.
  有人高声叫道: “安静!"。
  the call of a hawker selling wares on the street
• (小贩的)叫卖声
  an urgent appeal or entreaty
• (紧急的)呼吁;恳求
 »fund-raisers have issued a cry for help.
  a demand or opinion expressed by many people
• 公众舆论,呼声
 »peace became the popular cry.
cry one's eyes (或 heart) out
1. weep bitterly and at length
• 痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心
cry for the moon
1. ask for what is unattainable or impossible
• 想要得不到的东西;想做不可能的事
cry foul
1. protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice
• 强烈抗议错误(或不公平)
cry from the heart
1. a passionate and honest appeal or protest
• 衷心的呼吁;发自内心的抗议
cry stinking fish
1. [Brit.] disparage one's own efforts or products
[英] 暴露自己的缺点;拆自己的台
cry wolf --› see wolf
for crying out loud
1. [informal] used to express one's irritation or impatience
[非正式] (表示恼怒或不耐烦)哎呀,我的天啊;岂有此理;求求你
 »why do you have to take everything so personally, for crying out loud?
in full cry
1. used to describe hounds baying in keen pursuit
• (猎狗群)吠叫着追猎;紧追
  used to show that someone is expressing an opinion loudly and forcefully
• 高声有力地表达观点
 »the prime minister was in full cry with warnings against the plots of the Americans.
it's no use crying over spilt milk --› see milk
1. Middle English (in the sense 'ask for earnestly or loudly'): from Old French crier (verb), cri (noun), from Latin quiritare 'raise a public outcry', literally 'call on the Quirites [Roman citizens] for help'
cry someone/thing down
1. [dated] disparage or belittle someone or something
[旧] 贬损;轻视
cry off
1. [informal] go back on a promise or fail to keep to an arrangement
[非正式] 撤回,取消(前约);取消前言;打退堂鼓;不守承诺;未遵循安排
 »we were going to Spain together and he cried off at the last moment.
cry someone/thing up
1. [dated] praise or extol someone or something
[旧] 称颂,称赞

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