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day n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代

/ dei /

1. one of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis
• 一天
  the part of this period when it is light
• 白昼
  the time between sunrise and sunset
• 白天,日间
 »the animals hunt by day.
  the time spent working during such a period
• 工作日
 »he works an eight-hour day.
  [Astronomy] a single rotation of a planet in relation to its primary
[天文] 自转周期;日,恒星日
  [Astronomy] the period on a planet when its primary star is above the horizon
[天文] (天体)白昼
  [mass noun] (archaic)daylight
[古] 日光
 »by the time they had all gone it was broad day.
2. [一般作 days] a particular period of the past; an era
• 时期;时代
 »the laws were very strict in those days.
  (the day)the present time
• 现在,目前
 »the political issues of the day.
  [usu. with modifier] (days)a particular period in a person's life or career
• (人生)时期,时代,生涯
 »my student days.
  (one's day)the successful, fortunate, or influential period of a person's life or career
• (人生或事业的)风光时期,鼎盛时期,如意时期
 »he had been a matinée idol in his day.
  (one's days)the remaining period of someone's life
• 余生
 »she cared for him for the rest of his days.
1. [attrib.] carried out during the day as opposed to the evening or at night
• 白昼的,日间的
 »my day job.
  (of a person) working during the day as opposed to at night
• (人)日间工作的,白天工作的,上白班的
 »a day nurse.
all in a (或 the) day's work
1. (of something unusual or difficult) accepted as part of someone's normal routine or as a matter of course
• (特别或困难的事)日常的,家常便饭的
 »dodging sharks is all in a day's work for some scientists.
any day
1. [informal] at any time
[非正式] 任何时候,随便哪一天
 »they could outfight the police any day.
  (used to express one's strong preference for something) under any circumstances
• [用于表达某人对某事物强烈的偏好]无论何时,在任何情况下
 »I'd rather have Ruth than you, any day.
  very soon
• 很快
 »she's expected to give birth any day now.
at the end of the day --› see end
by the day
1. gradually and steadily
• 逐渐平稳地
 »the campaign is growing by the day.
call it a day
1. decide or agree to stop doing something
• 到此为止
day after day
1. on each successive day, especially over a long period
• 日复一日
 »the rain poured down day after day.
day and night
1. all the time
• 日日夜夜,夜以继日
 »the district is patrolled day and night.
day by day
1. on each successive day; gradually and steadily
• 一天天地
 »day by day I grew worse.
day in, day out
1. continuously or repeatedly over a long period of time
• 一天又一天
day of reckoning
1. the time when past mistakes or misdeeds must be punished or paid for; a testing time when the degree of one's success or failure will be revealed
• 清算的日子,报应到来的时刻,最后审判日
don't give up the day job
1. [informal] used as a humorous way of recommending someone not to pursue something at which they are unlikely to be successful
[非正式,幽默] 做好眼下的工作(让某人不要追求不可能成功的事情)
from day one
1. from the very beginning
• 从一开始
 »children need a firm hand from day one.
have had one's (或 its) day
1. be no longer popular, successful, or influential
• 不再风光,不再流行
 »power dressing has had its day.
if he (或 she 等) is a day
1. at least (appended to a statement about a person's age)
• 至少(加在关于某人年龄的话语之后)
 »he must be seventy if he's a day.
in this day and age
1. at the present time
• 现在
not someone's day
1. used to convey that someone has experienced a day of successive misfortunes
• 背运日
—of the day
1. a thing currently considered to be particularly interesting or important
• 当日热(焦)点
 »the big news story of the day.
one day (或 some day, one of these days)
1. at some time in the future
• 有一天
 »our wishes will come true one of these days.
one of those days
1. a day when several things go wrong
• 倒霉日
that will be the day
1. [informal] that is very unlikely
[非正式] 不可能
these days
1. at present
• 现在,目前
 »he was drinking far too much these days.
those were the days
1. used to assert that a particular past time was better in comparison with the present
• [用于表示与现在相比,过去的某个时期更好]那个好时候
to the day
1. exactly
• 整整
 »it's four years to the day since he was killed.
to this day
1. at the present time as in the past; still
• 至今依然,仍然
 »the tradition continues to this day.
1. Old English daeg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dag and German Tag

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