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declare v.宣告,宣布;声明,断言;申报(纳税物品)

/ di5klZE /

1. [reporting verb] say something in a solemn and emphatic manner
• 断言,宣称
 »[with clause] the prime minister declared that the programme of austerity had paid off.
 »[with direct speech] ‘I was under too much pressure,’ he declared.
  [with obj.] formally announce the beginning of (a state or condition)
• 宣告,宣布(某状态或情况开始)
 »Spain declared war on Britain in 1796.
  [with obj. and complement] pronounce or assert (a person or thing) to be something specified
• 宣告(或宣布…为)
 »the mansion was declared a fire hazard.
  [no obj.] (declare for/against)openly align oneself for or against (a party or position) in a dispute
• 表态支持(或反对),表明立场赞成(或反对)
 »the president had declared for denuclearization of Europe.
  (declare oneself)reveal one's intentions or identity
• 发表意见;表明身份
  (declare oneself)(archaic)express feelings of love to someone
[古] 表明心迹,求爱
 »she waited in vain for him to declare himself.
  [no obj.] announce oneself as a candidate for an election
• 宣布参选
 »he declared last April.
2. [with obj.] acknowledge possession of (taxable income or dutiable goods)
• 申报(应税收入或物品)
3. [no obj.] [Cricket] close an innings voluntarily before all the wickets have fallen
[板球] (在所有击球手出局前主动)宣布结束赛局
 »Pakistan declared at 446 for four.
 »[with obj.] Somerset declared their first innings.
4. [with obj.] announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards) in a card game
• 叫(牌)定约
well, I declare
1. (或 I do declare)an exclamation of incredulity, surprise, or vexation
• [表示不信、吃惊或恼怒的感叹用语] 唉,真难以置信!真怪!
declarable adjective
declaratory adjective
declaredly adverb
1. Middle English: from Latin declarare, from de- 'thoroughly' + clarare 'make clear' (from clarus 'clear')

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