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deposit n.押金;寄存物

/ di5pCzit /

1. a sum of money placed or kept in a bank or building society account, usually to gain interest
• 存款
2. a sum payable as a first instalment on the purchase of something or as a pledge for a contract, the balance being payable later
• 保证金,定金
 »we've saved enough for a deposit on a house.
  a returnable sum payable on the hire or rental of something, to cover any possible loss or damage
• 押金
  (in the UK) a sum of money lodged by an election candidate and forfeited if they fail to receive a certain proportion of the votes
• (英国)竞选押金(指由议会选举候选人支付的一笔钱款,如候选人不能得到一定比例的选票,此款不予归还)
3. a layer or body of accumulated matter
• 沉积物,沉淀
 »the deposits of salt on the paintwork.
  a natural layer of sand, rock, coal, or other material
• (沙、岩石、煤等的)天然沉积层
4. the action of placing something in a specified place
• 放置
(deposited, depositing)
1. [with obj. and usu. with adverbial of place] put or set down (something or someone) in a specific place, typically unceremoniously
• (尤指随便地)放置
 »he deposited a pile of school books on the kitchen table.
  [一般作be deposited] (of water, the wind, or other natural agency) lay down (matter) gradually as a layer or covering
• (水、风或其他自然力)使(物质)沉积
 »beds where salt is deposited by the tide.
  lay (an egg)
• 下(蛋)
2. [with obj.] store or entrust with someone for safe keeping
• 把…委托他人保存
  pay (a sum of money) into a bank or building society account
• 在银行(或建房互助会中)存(钱)
 »the money is deposited with a bank.
  pay (a sum) as a first instalment or as a pledge for a contract
• 付(一定金额)作为首期分期付款(或定金、押金)
 »I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house.
on deposit
1. (of money) placed in a deposit account
• (钱款)存着的
1. late 16th cent. (especially in the phrases in deposit or on deposit): from Latin depositum (noun), medieval Latin depositare (verb), both from Latin deposit- 'laid aside', from the verb deponere

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