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dig vt./vi.挖,掘;刺;搜寻n.戳,捅;挖苦

/ diɡ /

(digging; past and past participle dug)
1. [no obj.] break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.
• (用工具或机器,或用手、爪、口鼻等)挖掘,掘地
 »the boar had been digging for roots.
 »[with obj.] she had to dig the garden.
 »authorities cause chaos by digging up roads.
  [with obj.] make (a hole, grave, etc.) by breaking up and moving earth in such a way
• 挖(洞、坟墓等)
 »he took a spade and dug a hole.
 »[as adj. dug] the newly dug grave.
  (dig in)(of a soldier) protect oneself by making a trench or similar ground defence
• (士兵)挖战壕(或类似的地面掩体)
  [with obj. and adverbial] extract from the ground by breaking up and moving earth
• 掘起,挖掘出
 »the water board came and dug the cable up.
  [in imperative] (dig in)[informal] used to encourage someone to start eating and have as much as they want
[非正式] 开始吃,尽量多吃
 »I don't mind when you have the salad — dig in!.
  [with obj.] (dig something in/into)push or poke something in or into
• 推入;伸入
 »he dug his hands into his pockets.
  [with obj.] excavate (an archaeological site)
• 发掘(考古遗址)
 »apart from digging a site, recording evidence is important.
  [with obj.] (dig something out)bring out something that is hidden or has been stored for a long time
• 找出,发现(掩藏或储藏很久的东西)
 »they dug out last year's notes.
  (dig into)[informal] find money from (somewhere)
[非正式] 从(某处)找到钱
 »members must continue to dig deep into their pockets.
  [no obj., with adverbial] search or rummage in a specified place
• (在特定的地方)搜寻;翻查
 »Catherine dug into her handbag and produced her card.
  engage in research; conduct an investigation
• 从事研究;进行调查
 »a professional digging for information.
 »he had no compunction about digging into her private affairs.
  [with obj.] (dig something up/out)discover information after a search or investigation
• (经搜寻或调查)发现(信息)
 »have you dug up any information on the captain?
2. [with obj.] (informal, dated)like, appreciate, or understand
[非正式,旧] 喜欢,欣赏;理解
 »I really dig heavy rock.
1. [in sing.] an act or spell of digging
• (一次或一阵)挖掘
 »a thorough dig of the whole plot.
  [count noun] an archaeological excavation
• 考古挖掘
2. a push or poke with one's elbow, finger, etc.
• (用臂肘、手指等)推,戳
 »Ginnie gave her sister a dig in the ribs.
  [informal] a remark intended to mock or criticize
[非正式] 嘲讽;批评
 »Graham had a dig at me in the press.
3. (digs)(informal, chiefly Brit.)lodgings
[非正式,主英] 寄宿处;住房
dig the dirt (或 dig up dirt)
1. [informal] discover and reveal damaging information about someone
[非正式] 发现(或揭露)有损(某人)的消息,讲(某人)坏话
dig a hole for oneself (或 dig oneself into a hole)
1. get oneself into an awkward or restrictive situation
• 使自己处于难堪(或受局限)的境地
dig in one's heels (或 toes, feet)
1. resist stubbornly; refuse to give in
• 顽抗;拒绝让步
 »officials dug their heels in on particular points.
dig a pit for --› see pit
dig's one's own grave --› see grave
1. Middle English: perhaps from Old English dīc 'ditch'

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