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direct a./ad.直接 vt.把…对准;指示;管理,指导

/ di5rekt /

1. extending or moving from one place to another without changing direction or stopping
• 直达的,径直的
 »there was no direct flight that day.
  without intervening factors or intermediaries
• 直接的
 »the complications are a direct result of bacteria spreading.
  (of a person or their behaviour) going straight to the point; frank
• (人或其行为)直截了当的;坦率的
  (of evidence or proof) bearing immediately and unambiguously upon the facts at issue
• (证据,证明)直接的,清楚的
 »there is no direct evidence that officials accepted bribes.
  (of light or heat) proceeding from a source without being reflected or blocked
• (光,热)直射的
 »ferns like a bright position out of direct sunlight.
  (of genealogy) proceeding in continuous succession from parent to child
• (家谱,家宗)直系的
  [attrib.] (of a quotation) taken from someone's words without being changed
• (引语)直接引用的
  complete (used for emphasis)
• 完全的,截然的(用来强调)
 »non-violence is the direct opposite of compulsion.
  perpendicular to a surface; not oblique
• (与表面)垂直的;不倾斜的
 »a direct butt joint between surfaces of steel.
  [Astronomy & Astrology] (of apparent planetary motion) proceeding from west to east in accord with actual motion
[天文,占星] 顺行的
1. with no one or nothing in between
• 直接地
 »they seem reluctant to deal with me direct.
  by a straight route or without breaking a journey
• 径直地;直达地
 »Austrian Airlines are flying direct to Innsbruck again.
verb, [with obj.]
1. control the operations of; manage or govern
• 控制;管理;统治
 »an economic elite directed the nation's affairs.
  supervise and control (a film, play, or other production, or the actors in it)
• 导演(电影、戏剧、其他作品或演员)
  [一般作 be directed] train and conduct (a group of musicians)
• 指挥(乐团)
2. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] aim (something) in a particular direction or at a particular person
• 将(某物)对准;朝向(某个特定的方向或特定的人)
 »heating ducts to direct warm air to rear-seat passengers.
 »his smile was directed at Lois.
  tell or show (someone) how to get somewhere
• 给(某人)指路
 »can you direct me to the railway station, please?
  address or give instructions for the delivery of (a letter or parcel)
• 在(信封,包裹)上写姓名地址;说明(信封,包裹)寄往何处
  focus or concentrate (one's attention, efforts, or feelings) on
• 将(注意力、精力或感情)集中在
 »we direct our anger and frustration at family.
  (direct something at/to)address a comment to or aim a criticism at
• 针对…发表评论、批评
 »his criticism was directed at the wastage of ammunition.
 »I suggest that he direct his remarks to the council.
  (direct something at)target a product specifically at (someone)
• 使(产品)针对,面向(某人)
 »the book is directed at the younger reader.
  (archaic)guide or advise (someone or their judgement) in a course or decision
[古] 对(某人及其判断)进行指导;提出建议
 »the conscience of the credulous prince was directed by saints and bishops.
3. [with obj. and infinitive] give (someone) an official order or authoritative instruction
• 命令;指示
 »the judge directed him to perform community service.
 »[with clause] he directed that no picture from his collection could be sold.
directness noun
1. late Middle English: from Latin directus, past participle of dirigere, from di- 'distinctly' or de- 'down' + regere 'put straight'

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