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dirt n.污秽物(如灰尘;粪便;泥土等)

/ dE:t /

1. [mass noun] a substance, such as mud or dust, that soils someone or something
• (弄脏某人或某物的)烂泥;灰尘
 »his face was covered in dirt.
  loose soil or earth; the ground
• 松土;土地
 »the soldier sagged to the dirt.
  [usu. as modifier] earth used to make a surface for a road, floor, or other area of ground
• (铺成路面、地面等的)泥土
 »a dirt road.
  [informal] excrement
[非正式] 排泄物,粪便
 »a lawn covered in dog dirt.
  a state or quality of uncleanliness
• 肮脏
 »Manchester is renowned for the sweat and dirt of industry.
  [informal] information about someone's activities or private life that could prove damaging if revealed
[非正式] 丑闻
 »is there any dirt on Desmond?
  obscene or sordid material
• 淫秽(或肮脏)的内容
 »we object to the dirt that television projects into homes.
  [informal] a person or thing viewed as worthless or contemptible
[非正式] 没用的人(或物);可鄙的人(或物)
 »he treats her like dirt.
do someone dirt
1. [informal] harm someone's reputation maliciously
[非正式] 恶意中伤
drag the name of someone (或 something) through the dirt
1. [informal] give someone or something a bad reputation through bad behaviour or damaging revelations
[非正式] (通过不好的行为或诽谤)玷污(某人或某物的名誉)
 »he condemned players for dragging the name of football through the dirt.
eat dirt
1. [informal] suffer insults or humiliation
[非正式] 忍辱含垢,忍气吞声
 »the film bombed at the box office and the critics made it eat dirt.
1. Middle English: from Old Norse drit 'excrement', an early sense in English

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