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disposition n 性情;安排(dis分开+posit+ion→分开放→安排;引申为人的喜好,心情)

/ 7dispE5ziFEn /

1. a person's inherent qualities of mind and character
• 性情;性格
 »a sweet-natured girl of a placid disposition.
 »he has the disposition of a saint.
  [often with infinitive] an inclination or tendency
• 倾向;意向
 »the Prime Minister has shown a disposition to alter policies.
 »the judge's disposition to clemency.
2. [mass noun] the way in which something is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things
• 布置;排列
 »the plan need not be accurate so long as it shows the disposition of the rooms.
  the action of arranging or ordering people or things in a particular way
• 安排,配置
 »the prerogative gives the state widespread powers regarding the disposition and control of the armed forces.
 »[count noun] Dr Herrmann lifted a phone and began to make his dispositions.
  (dispositions)military preparations, in particular the stationing of troops ready for attack or defence
• 部署
 »the new strategic dispositions of our forces.
3. [mass noun] [Law] the action of distributing or transferring property or money to someone, in particular by bequest
[律] (财产的)处分权;处置
 »this is a tax which affects the disposition of assets on death.
  . 这种税会影响遗产的分配。
4. the power to deal with something as one pleases
• 支配权;处置权
 »if Napoleon had had railways at his disposition, he would have been invincible.
  (archaic)the determination of events, especially by divine power
[古] (尤指天意的)决定
1. late Middle English: via Old French from Latin dispositio(n-), from disponere 'arrange' (see dispose )

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