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dispute v./n.争执,争论beyond dispute 毋庸质疑

/ dis5pju:t /

1. a disagreement, argument, or debate
• 意见不同;争辩;辩论
 »a territorial dispute between the two countries.
 »[mass noun] the Commission is in dispute with the government.
  a disagreement between management and employees that leads to industrial action
• (管理层和雇员间的)纠纷
 »an industrial dispute.
verb, [with obj.]
1. argue about (something); discuss heatedly
• 争论;辩论
 »the point has been much disputed.
 »[no obj.] he taught and disputed with local poets.
  question whether (a statement or alleged fact) is true or valid
• 对(声明或未证实的事实)进行质疑
 »the accusations are not disputed.
 »[with clause] the estate disputes that it is responsible for the embankment.
  compete for; strive to win
• 为…竞争;争夺
 »the two drivers crashed while disputing the lead.
  (archaic)resist (a landing or advance)
[古] 阻止(着陆);抵抗(进攻)
 »the Sudanese chose Teb as the ground upon which to dispute the advance.
beyond (或 past, without) dispute
1. certain or certainly; without doubt
• 无疑的;无疑地
 »the main part of his argument was beyond dispute.
open to dispute
1. not definitely decided
• 未确定的
 »such estimates are always open to dispute.
disputant noun
disputer noun
1. Middle English: via Old French from Latin disputare 'to estimate' (in late Latin 'to dispute'), from dis- 'apart' + putare 'reckon'

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