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distance n.距离,间距;遥远,远方;冷淡,疏远

/ 5distEns /

1. an amount of space between two things or people
• 距离,间距
 »I cycled the short distance home.
 »you may have to walk long distances.
  [mass noun] the condition of being far off; remoteness
• 远离;遥远
 »distance makes things look small.
  a far-off point or place
• 远处
 »watching them from a distance.
  (the distance)the more remote part of what is visible or discernible
• 远方,远处
 »I heard police sirens in the distance.
 »they sped off into the distance.
  an interval of time or relation
• 间隔
 »a distance of more than twenty years.
  [mass noun] (figurative)the avoidance of familiarity; aloofness or reserve
[喻] 疏远;冷漠;矜持
 »a mix of warmth and distance makes a good neighbour.
2. the full length of a race
• 赛程的全长
 »he claimed the 10,000 m title in only his second race over the distance.
  (the distance)[Boxing] the scheduled length of a fight
[拳击] (拳击赛)持续时间;攻击距离
 »he has won his first five fights inside the distance.
  [Horse Racing, Brit.] a space of more than twenty lengths between two finishers in a race
[赛马英] 到达终点的两马之间20马身以上的间距
 »he stormed home by a distance in the Handicap Chase.
  (the distance)[Brit.] a length of 240 yards from the winning post on a racecourse
[英] 终点竿前240码处
  [N. Amer.] the distance from the winning post which a horse must have reached when the winner finishes in order to qualify for a subsequent heat
[北美] (为有资格参加下一场比赛在获胜马到达终点时必须跑到的离终点竿的)合格段
verb, [with obj.]
1. make (someone or something) far off or remote in position or nature
• 使远离;使疏远;对…冷淡
 »her mother wished to distance her from the rough village children.
  (distance oneself from)declare that one is not connected with or a supporter of (someone or something)
• 使脱离
 »he sought to distance himself from the proposals.
  [Horse Racing, US] beat (a horse) by a distance
[赛马美] 领先于(一匹马)
distance lends enchantment to the view
1. (proverb)things look better from further away
[谚] 距离产生美
go the distance
1. [Boxing] complete a fight without being knocked out
[拳击] 坚持下来,在比赛中未被击倒
 »he went the distance after being floored in the first round.
  (of a boxing match) last the scheduled length
• (全场拳击比赛)赛完全部时间
 »six of his fights went the distance.
  [Baseball] pitch for the entire length of a game
[棒球] 全场当投手
  last for a long time
• 持续
 »this amplifier system should go the distance.
keep one's distance
1. stay far away
• 远离
 »keep your distance from birds feeding their young.
  maintain one's reserve
• 保持矜持
 »you had to say nothing and keep your distance.
within — distance
1. near enough to reach by the means specified
• 在…的距离之内
 »her flat is within walking distance.
 »the hotel is within easy driving distance of Birmingham.
within spitting distance
1. within a very short distance
• 很近的距离之内
within striking distance
1. near enough to hit or achieve something
• 在攻击距离之内;可能性很大
1. Middle English (in the sense 'discord, debate'): from Old French or from Latin distantia, from distant- 'standing apart', from the verb distare (see distant )

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