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dive n.跳水;潜水;俯冲;低级夜总会 vi.跳水

/ daiv /

(past and past participle dived; 美亦作 dove dəʊv), [no obj.]
1. [with adverbial of direction] plunge head first into water
• (头先入水地)跳水
 »she walked to the deep end, then she dived in.
 »he dived off the bridge for a bet.
  move quickly or suddenly in a specified direction
• 扑向;冲向
 »a bullet passed close to his head and he dived for cover.
 »[as adj. diving] he scored with a diving header.
  (of an aircraft or bird) plunge steeply downwards through the air
• (飞机,鸟)俯冲
 »arctic skuas which dive at your head as you walk near their territories.
  (figurative)(of prices or profits) drop suddenly
[喻] (价格,利润)突然下降
 »profits before tax dived by 61 per cent.
  [informal] put one's hand quickly into something, especially a pocket or bag, in order to find something
[非正式] 迅速将手伸(入)
 »she dived into her bag and extracted a card.
  [Soccer] (of a player) deliberately fall when challenged in order to deceive the referee into awarding a foul
[英足] (球员)假摔
2. swim under water using breathing equipment
• 潜水
 »he had been diving in the area to test equipment.
  (of a fish, a submarine, or a vessel used for under water exploration) go to a deeper level in water
• (鱼、潜艇或用于水下勘探的船只)下潜
 »the fish dive down to about 1,400 feet and then swim south-west.
1. an act of diving, in particular
• 跳水,尤指
  a plunge head first into water
• (头先入水的)跳水
 »he hit the sea in a shallow dive.
  an instance of swimming or exploring under water with breathing equipment
• 潜泳;潜水
 »divers should have a good intake of fluid before each dive.
  an act of going deeper under water by a fish, submarine, or diving vessel
• 下潜
 »pilot whales can go to 600 metres in a dive lasting 18 minutes.
  a steep descent by an aircraft or bird
• (飞机或鸟的)俯冲。
--› see nosedive
 »the jumbo jet went into a dive.
  a sudden movement in a specified direction
• 猛冲
 »she made a dive for the fridge to quench her raging thirst.
  (figurative)a sudden and significant fall in prices or profits
[喻] (价格或利润的)猛跌;剧跌
 »an 11 per cent dive in profits.
  [Soccer] a deliberate fall by a player, intended to deceive the referee into awarding a foul
[英足] 假摔
2. [informal] a disreputable nightclub or bar
[非正式] 低级的夜总会;低级酒吧
 »he got into a fight in some dive.
take a dive
1. [Boxing] pretend to be knocked down or out
[拳击] 假装被击倒(或击昏)
  (of prices, hopes, fortunes, etc.) fall suddenly
• (价格、希望或运气等)急剧下降
 »profits could take a dive as easily as they could soar.
 »her reputation took a dive from which it has not recovered.
1. Old English dūfan 'dive, sink' and dȳfan 'immerse', of Germanic origin; related to deep and dip

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