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drain vi.(水等)流掉

/ drein /

verb, [with obj.]
1. cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier
• 排干,排光,使流光
 »we drained the swimming pool.
  cause or allow (liquid) to run off or out of something
• 排出,引流,使流出
 »fry the pork and drain off any excess fat.
  make (land) drier by providing channels for water to flow away in
• (利用水渠)排干(一地方),排水
 »the land was drained and the boggy ground reclaimed.
  (of a river) carry off the superfluous water from (a district)
• (河流)带走(某地区)多余的水
 »the stream drains a wide moorland above the waterfall.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of water or another liquid) flow away from, out of, or into something
• 流掉,流走,流入,注入
 »the river drains into the Pacific.
 »Polly felt the blood drain from her face.
  [no obj.] become dry or drier as liquid runs off or away
• 变干,滴干
 »dishes left to drain.
 »the plant should be watered well and allowed to drain.
  (of a person) drink the entire contents of (a glass or other container)
• 喝干,喝光(杯子等)中的液体
 »he seized the Scotch set before him and drained it.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (figurative)(of a feeling or emotion) become progressively less strongly felt
[喻] (感觉,感情)渐渐消失,减少,变淡
 »gradually the tension and stress drained away.
2. deprive of strength or vitality
• 使耗尽气力,使精疲力竭,使无精打采
 »his limbs were drained of all energy.
 »Ruth slumped down in her seat, drained by all that had happened.
  cause (money, energy, or another valuable resource) to be lost, wasted, or used up
• 使(钱、精力等)失去,浪费,用光
 »my mother's hospital bills are draining my income.
  [no obj., with adverbial] (of such a resource) be lost, wasted, or used up
• 失去,浪费掉,用光
 »votes and campaign funds drained away from the Republican candidate.
3. [Golf, informal] (of a player) hole (a putt)
[高尔夫非正式] 推球入穴
1. a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste
• 排水沟,排水渠,排水道;阴沟;排水管;排水器
  a tube for drawing off accumulating fluid from a body cavity or an abscess
• (用于人体或脓肿的)引流管;导(液)管
  [Brit.] a frame of metal bars set in a road over the opening to a rainwater channel
[英] (金属框条的)路面排水沟盖
  [Electronics] the part of a field-effect transistor to which the charge carriers flow after passing the gate
[电子] (场效应管)漏极
2. [in sing.] a thing that uses up a particular resource
• (造成资源)耗竭(之物),消耗
 »nuclear power is a serious drain on the public purse.
  the continuous loss or expenditure of a particular resource
• (逐渐的)流失,外流,消耗
 »the drain of talented staff to the United States.
go down the drain
1. [informal] be totally wasted
[非正式] 被浪费掉,化为乌有
 »the government must stop public money going down the drain.
1. Old English drēahnian, drēhnian 'strain' (liquid), of Germanic origin; related to dry

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