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drum n.鼓,鼓声;桶,筒v.有节奏地敲击

/ drQm /

1. a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped with a taut membrane over one or both ends
• 鼓
  (drums)a drum kit
• 配套鼓钹(一套乐鼓)
  (drums)the percussion section of a band or orchestra
• (乐队或乐团的)打击乐组
  [in sing.] a sound made by or resembling that of a drum
• 鼓声,打鼓似的声音
 »the drum of their feet.
  (historical)a military drummer
[史] 军鼓手
2. something resembling or likened to a drum in shape, in particular
• 鼓状物,尤指
  a cylindrical container or receptacle
• 桶,圆柱形容器。
--› see oil drum
 »a drum of powdered bleach.
  a rotating cylindrical part in a washing machine, in which the washing is placed
• (洗衣机的)洗衣桶,滚筒
  a similar cylindrical part in certain other appliances
• (某些电器中的)筒,滚筒
  [Architecture] the circular vertical wall supporting a dome
[建] (穹顶的)鼓形墙座
  [Architecture] a stone block forming part of a column
[建] (建柱子用的)圆鼓石
  [Austral./NZ] a tramp's bundle of belongings
[澳/新西兰] (流浪者的)行李卷
3. [Brit. informal] a house or flat
[英,非正式] 房子;公寓
  [Austral, informal] a brothel
[澳,非正式] 妓院
4. an evening or afternoon tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century
• (18世纪末、19世纪初流行的)傍晚茶会,下午茶会
5. [Austral.informal] a piece of reliable inside information
[澳,非正式] 内部消息
 »he had got the drum that the police wouldn't lock us up.
(drummed, drumming)
1. [no obj.] play on a drum
• 打鼓,击鼓
  make a continuous rhythmic noise
• 击鼓似的响,发出有节奏的连续声响
 »she felt the blood drumming in her ears.
 »[as noun drumming] the drumming of hooves.
  [with obj.] beat (the fingers, feet, etc.) repeatedly on a surface, especially as a sign of impatience or annoyance
• (尤指不耐烦地)用(手指、脚等)不停敲击,拍击
 »waiting around an empty table, drumming their fingers.
  (of a woodpecker) strike the bill rapidly on a dead trunk or branch, especially as a sound indicating a territorial claim
• (啄木鸟为宣示对枯树干或枯树枝的占有权而)连续急速啄击
  (of a snipe) vibrate the outer tail feathers in a diving display flight, making a throbbing sound
• (鹬鸟为求偶做俯冲飞行)突突地振尾羽
2. [with obj.] [Austral informal] give (someone) reliable information or a warning. see sense 5 of the noun
[澳,非正式] 给…通消息,提醒
 »I'm drumming you, if they come I'm going.
beat (或 bang) the drum of (或 for)
1. be ostentatiously in support of
• 大张旗鼓地支持,大力支持,极力鼓吹
 »he bangs the drum of the free market.
1. Middle English: from Middle Dutch or Low German tromme, of imitative origin
drum something into
1. drive a lesson into (someone) by constant repetition
• 反复讲,灌输
 »it had been drummed into them to dress correctly.
drum someone out
1. expel or dismiss someone with ignominy from a place or institution
• 轰走,开除
 »he was drummed out of the air force.
drum something up
1. attempt to obtain something by canvassing or soliciting
• (以游说)竭力争取
 »the organizers are hoping to drum up support from local businesses.
1. [Scottish & Irish] a long narrow hill, especially one separating two parallel valleys
[苏格兰,爱尔兰] 山脊
1. early 18th cent.: from Scottish Gaelic and Irish druim 'ridge'
(也作 drumfish), [复同单,或 drums]
1. a fish that makes a drumming sound by vibrating its swim bladder, found mainly in estuarine and shallow coastal waters
• 石首鱼(能振鳔发出似击鼓的声音,出没于港湾或沿岸浅海区)。(亦称 croaker)
2. Family Sciaenidae (the drum family): many species, including the black drum [Pogonias cromis] of the western Atlantic. The drum family also includes the mulloway and a number of marine fishes that resemble salmon (e.g. the weakfish)
• 石首鱼科: 多种,包括西大西洋的多须石首鱼(拉丁名Pogonias cromis)。石首鱼科还包括南极石首鱼和大量似鲑鱼的海鱼(如银牙鱼)

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