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duck n.鸭,鸭肉v.忽地低下头(或弯腰),躲避

/ dQk /

[复同单,或 ducks]
1. a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait
• 鸭
2. Family Anatidae (the duck family); domesticated ducks are mainly descended from the mallard or wild duck. The duck family also includes geese and swans, from which ducks are distinguished by their generally smaller size and shorter necks
• 鸭科;家鸭主要从野鸭驯化而来。鸭科还包括鹅和天鹅,鸭与它们的区别主要是体小、颈短
  the female of such a bird. Contrasted with drake
• 母鸭。 与 drake 相对
  such a bird as food
• 鸭子(作为食品),鸭肉
 »a duck for tomorrow's dinner.
3. a pure white thin-shelled bivalve mollusc found off the Atlantic coasts of America
• 甲鸣蛤(纯白色双壳类软体动物,产于美国大西洋海岸)
4. Genus Anatina, family Mactridae
• 鸭嘴蛤属,蛤蜊科
5. another term for dukw
• 同 dukw
get (或 have) one's ducks in a row
1. [N. Amer.] get (or have) one's facts straight; get (or have) everything organized
[北美] 把情况讲清楚;将一切安排得井井有条
take to something like a duck to water
1. take to something very readily
• 像鸭子入水般地喜欢上某事,轻松自如地着手某事
 »he shows every sign of taking to University politics like a duck to water.
water off a duck's back
1. a potentially hurtful or harmful remark or incident which has no apparent effect on the person mentioned
• 鸭背上的落水,不起作用(或毫无影响)之事物
 »it was like water off a duck's back to Nick, but I'm sure it upset Paul.
1. Old English duce, from the Germanic base of duck (expressing the notion of diving bird)
1. [no obj.] lower the head or the body quickly to avoid a blow or missile or so as not to be seen
• (为躲避袭击等)突然低下头,突然弯身
 »spectators ducked for cover.
 »she ducked into the doorway to get out of the line of fire.
 »[with obj.] he ducked his head and entered.
  (duck out)depart quickly
• 快快离去,逃走,溜走,离开
 »I thought I saw you duck out.
  [with obj.] avoid (a blow or missile) by moving down quickly
• 迅速低头(或弓身)躲闪(拳击,射击)
 »he ducked a punch from an angry first baseman.
  [with obj.] [informal] evade or avoid (an unwelcome duty or undertaking)
[非正式] 逃避,躲避,回避(不想承担的责任或任务)
 »a responsibility which a less courageous man might well have ducked.
 »[no obj.] I was engaged twice and ducked out both times.
2. [with obj.] push or plunge (someone) under water, either playfully or as a punishment
• 把…按入水中
 »Rufus grabbed him from behind to duck him under the surface.
 »[as noun ducking] he got a ducking as he tried to board the canoe.
3. [no obj.] [Bridge] refrain from playing a winning card on a particular trick for tactical reasons
[桥牌] 放掉(指本来能赢得某一牌墩时故意把这个牌墩放掉)
1. [in sing.] a quick lowering of the head
• 突然的低头
duck and dive
1. use one's ingenuity to deal with or evade a situation
• 灵活地应付(或躲避)
ducker noun
1. Middle English: of Germanic origin; related to Dutch duiken and German tauchen 'dive, dip, plunge', also to duck
1. [Cricket] a batsman's score of nought
[板球] 零分
 »out for a duck.
break one's duck
1. [Cricket] score the first run of one's innings
[板球] 首次得分
  [Brit.] make one's first score or achieve a particular feat for the first time
[英] 首次得分;首次取得成功
1. mid 19th cent.: short for duck's egg, used for the figure 0 because of its similar outline
(也作 ducks), noun
1. [Brit.] dear; darling (used as an informal or affectionate form of address, especially among cockneys)
[英] 亲爱的,宝贝儿(非正式或亲昵的称呼,通常为伦敦东区人使用)
1. late 16th cent.: from duck
1. [mass noun] a strong untwilled linen or cotton fabric, used chiefly for work clothes and sails
• 帆布,粗布
  (ducks)trousers made of such a fabric
• 帆布(或粗布)裤子
1. mid 17th cent.: from Middle Dutch doek 'linen, linen cloth'; related to German Tuch 'cloth'

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