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dumb 哑的

/ dQm /

1. (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness
• (人)(尤指先天)哑的
 »he was born deaf, dumb, and blind.
  (of animals) unable to speak as a natural state and thus regarded as helpless or deserving pity
• (动物)无说话能力的(天然如此,因而是无助的、可怜的)
  [predic.] temporarily unable or unwilling to speak
• (暂时)不愿说话的,沉默(寡言)的
 »she stood dumb while he poured out a stream of abuse.
  [attrib.] resulting in or expressed by speechlessness
• (由于恐惧、惊讶等)说不出话的;无声的;无言的;不用语言表达的
 »they stared in dumb amazement.
2. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)Stupid
[非正式,主北美] 笨的,愚蠢的
 »a dumb question.
  (of a computer terminal) able only to transmit data to or receive data from a computer; having no independent processing capability
• (计算机终端)简易的,哑的(无独立处理信息功能)。 常与 intelligent 相对
verb, [with obj.]
1. (dumb something down)[N. Amer. informal] simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people
[北美,非正式] 使通俗化(指简化或减少文艺作品等中需要认真思考的内容使之能为更多的人所理解)
 »the producers categorically deny that they're dumbing down the show.
  [no obj.] (dumb down)become less intellectually challenging
• 通俗化
 »the need to dumb down for mass audiences.
2. (poetic/literary)make dumb or unheard; silence
[诗/文] 使变哑,使不被听见;使沉默
 »a splendour that dazed the mind and dumbed the tongue.
dumbly adverb
dumbness noun
1. Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse dumbr and Gothic dumbs 'mute', also to Dutch dom 'stupid' and German dumm 'stupid'
1. Although dumb meaning not able to speak’ is the older sense, it has been overwhelmed by the newer sense (meaning ‘stupid’) to such an extent that the use of the first sense is now almost certain to cause offence. Alternatives such as speech-impaired should be used instead

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