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ear n.耳,耳朵;听力,听觉;穗

/ iE /

1. the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this
• 耳朵(尤指外部耳廓)
  an organ sensitive to sound in other animals
• (其他动物的)耳
  [in sing.] an ability to recognize, appreciate, and reproduce sounds, especially music or language
• 听力;欣赏能力
 » an ear for rhythm and melody.
  used to refer to a person's willingness to listen and pay attention to something
• 倾听;注意
 »she offers a sympathetic ear to worried pet owners.
2. The ear of a mammal is composed of three parts. The outer or external ear consists of a fleshy external flap and a tube leading to the eardrum or tympanum. The middle ear is an air-filled cavity connected to the throat, containing three small linked bones that transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. The inner ear is a complex fluid-filled labyrinth including the spiral cochlea (where vibrations are converted to nerve impulses) and the three semicircular canals (forming the organ of balance). The ears of other vertebrates are broadly similar
be all ears
1. [informal] be listening eagerly and attentively
[非正式] 全神贯注地听,洗耳恭听
bring something (down) about one's ears
1. bring something, especially misfortune, on oneself
• 使某事(尤指不幸)发生在自己身上
 »she brought her world crashing about her ears.
one's ears are burning
1. one is subconsciously aware of being talked about or criticized
• (因被人谈论或批评而)耳朵在发热
grin (或 smile) from ear to ear
1. smile broadly
• 咧着嘴笑
have something coming out of one's ears
1. [informal] have a substantial or excessive amount of something
[非正式] 拥有许多(或过多)
 »that man's got money coming out of his ears.
have someone's ear
1. have access to and influence with someone
• 在某人那儿能说上话,能接近并影响某人
 »he claimed to have the prime minister's ear.
have (或 keep) an ear to the ground
1. be well informed about events and trends
• 十分了解事态的进展,保持敏锐
in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
1. heard but disregarded or quickly forgotten
• 左耳进右耳出
 »whatever he tells me seems to go in one ear and out the other.
listen with half an ear
1. not give one's full attention
• 心不在焉地听,似听非听
be out on one's ear
1. [informal] be dismissed or ejected ignominiously
[非正式] 不光彩地被打发走(或被解雇)
up to one's ears in
1. [informal] very busy with or deeply involved in
[非正式] 忙于;深深卷入,深陷
 »I'm up to my ears in work here.
eared adjective
 »[in combination] long-eared.
earless adjective
1. Old English ēare, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch oor and German Ohr, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin auris and Greek ous
1. the seed-bearing head or spike of a cereal plant
• (谷类植物的)穗
  [N. Amer.] a head of maize
[北美] 玉米穗
1. Old English ēar, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch aar and German Ähre

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