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easy a.容易的,不费力的,安逸的,宽裕的

/ 5i:zi /

(easier, easiest)
1. achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties
• 容易的;不费力的
 »an easy way of retrieving information.
  [attrib.] (of an object of attack or criticism) having no defence; vulnerable
• (对攻击、指责)无防备的;易受攻击的;易受指责的
 »as a taxi driver he was vulnerable and an easy target.
  (informal, derogatory)(of a woman) open to sexual advances; sexually available
[非正式,贬] (女人)水性杨花的,放荡的;性方面随便的
 »her reputation at school for being easy.
2. (of a period of time or way of life) free from worries or problems
• (时期或生活方式)安逸的,舒适的
 »promises of an easy life in the New World.
  (of a person) lacking anxiety or awkwardness; relaxed
• (人)从容的,自如的;自在的,不拘束的
 »his easy and agreeable manner.
 »they didn't feel easy about what they were doing.
1. (informal chiefly archaic or US)without difficulty or effort
[非正式,主古或美] 容易地,轻松地,不费力地
 »we all scared real easy in those days.
1. be careful
• 小心,当心,慢点
 »easy, girl—you'll knock me over!.
be easier said than done
1. be more easily talked about than put into practice
• 说时容易做时难
 »going on an economy drive is easier said than done.
(as) easy as pie --› see pie
easy come, easy go
1. used especially in spoken English to indicate that a relationship or possession acquired without effort or difficulty may be abandoned or lost casually and without regret
• [尤在口语中]来得容易去得快
easy does it
1. used especially in spoken English to advise someone to approach a task carefully and slowly
• [尤在口语中]小心行事;从容图之;不着急,不着忙
easy on the eye (或 ear)
1. [informal] pleasant to look at (or listen to)
[非正式] 好看(或听)的,悦目(或耳)的
go (或 be) easy on someone
1. [informal] refrain from being harsh with or critical of someone
[非正式] 温和地对待某人,宽容地对待某人
go easy on something
1. [informal] be sparing or cautious in one's use or consumption of something
[非正式] 有节制地使用(或消耗)
 »go easy on fatty foods.
have it easy
1. [informal] be free from difficulties; be fortunate
[非正式] 容易,轻易;幸运
I'm easy
1. [informal] said by someone when offered a choice to indicate that they have no particular preference
[非正式] 我随便(表示没有特别喜好或要求)
of easy virtue
1. (dated or humorous)(of a woman) sexually promiscuous
[旧或幽默] (女人)放荡的,水性杨花的,滥交的
sleep (或 rest) easy
1. go to sleep without (or be untroubled by) worries
• 安然入睡;放心,高枕无忧
 »this insurance policy will let you rest easy.
stand easy!
1. [Military] used to instruct soldiers standing at ease that they may relax their attitude further
[军] 休息!(命令稍息状态的士兵进一步放松姿态的口令)
take the easy way out
1. extricate oneself from a difficult situation by choosing the simplest rather than the most honourable course of action
• (选择最简单而非最体面的方式)使自己摆脱困境
take it easy
1. proceed calmly and in a relaxed manner
• 从容不迫,不慌不忙
  make little effort; rest
• 放松,休息
easiness noun
1. Middle English (also in the sense 'comfortable, quiet, tranquil'): from Old French aisie, past participle of aisier 'put at ease, facilitate' (see ease )

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