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echo vt.反射(声音等)


(pl. -oes)
1. (pl. -oes)a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener
• 回声,回音
 »the walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps.
  a reflected radio or radar beam
• 回波;反射波
  [mass noun] the deliberate introduction of reverberation into a sound recording
• (录音中的)加入回声效果
  [Linguistics] the repetition in structure and content of one speaker's utterance by another
[语言学] (话语结构和内容的)重复
  a close parallel or repetition of an idea, feeling, style, or event
• 共鸣,响应
 »his love for her found an echo in her own feelings。
  [常作 echoes] a detail or characteristic that is suggestive of something else
• 引起联想的细节(或特性)
 »the cheese has a sharp rich aftertaste with echoes of salty, earthy pastures。
  (archaic)a person who slavishly repeats the words or opinions of another
[古] 应声虫,附和者
  used in names of newspapers
• [用于报纸名中]…回声
 »the South Wales Echo.
2. [Bridge] a play by a defender of a higher card in a suit followed by a lower one in a subsequent trick, used as a signal to request a further lead of that suit by their partner
[桥牌] 打回应牌(出某花色牌时先大后小,作为鼓励同伴续攻此牌的信号)
3. a code word representing the letter E, used in radio communication
• 无线电通讯中代表字母E的代码字
(-oes, -oed)
1. [no obj., with adverbial] (of a sound) be repeated or reverberate after the original sound has stopped(echoing)
• (声音)回响,回荡
 »their footsteps echoed on the metal catwalks.
  (of a place) resound with or reflect back a sound or sounds
• (地方)发出回声,产生回响
 »the house echoed with shouts and thundering feet.
  (figurative)have a continued significance or influence
[喻] 持续影响
 »illiteracy echoed through the whole fabric of society.
  [with obj.] [常作 be echoed] repeat (someone's words or opinions), typically to express agreement
• (尤指表示赞同)重复(某人的话或观点)
 »these criticisms are echoed in a number of other studies.
 »[with direct speech] ‘A trip?’ she echoed.
  [with obj.] (of an object, movement, or event) be reminiscent of or have shared characteristics with
• 使联想起(某物,动作,事件),使回忆起
 »a blue suit that echoed the colour of her eyes.
  [with obj.] [Computing] send a copy of (an input signal or character) back to its source or to a screen for display
[计算机] 回送(输入的信号或字符)
 »for security reasons, the password will not be echoed to the screen.
  [Bridge] (of a defender) play a higher card followed by a lower one in the same suit, as a signal to request one's partner to lead that suit
[桥牌] 发出回声信号
applaud (或 cheer) someone to the echo
1. applaud (or cheer) someone enthusiastically
• 为某人大声叫好,为某人喝彩
echoer noun
echoey adjective
echoless adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French or Latin, from Greek ēkhō, related to ēkhē 'a sound'

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