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economy 经济

/ i5kCnEmi /

(pl. -ies)
1. the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services
• 经济
  a particular system or stage of an economy
• 经济制度,经济结构;经济情况
 »the less-developed economies.
 »a free-market economy.
2. [mass noun] careful management of available resources
• 充分利用,节约,节省
 »fuel economy.
  sparing or careful use of something
• 节省,简练,简洁
 »economy of words.
  [count noun] [一般作 economies] a financial saving
• 财政节约
 »there were many economies to be made by giving up our offices in central London.
  (也作 economy class)the cheapest class of air or rail travel
• (客机或列车的)经济舱,经济座(票价最低廉)
 »we flew economy.
1. [attrib.] (of a product) offering the best value for money
• (产品)经济的,合算的,廉价的
 »an economy pack of soap flakes.
  designed to be economical to use
• 节约型(设计)的,经济型的
 »a new 1.1 litre economy engine.
economy of scale
1. a proportionate saving in costs gained by an increased level of production
• 规模经济
economy of scope
1. a proportionate saving gained by producing two or more distinct goods, when the cost of doing so is less than that of producing each separately
• 范围经济,范畴经济,纵深经济
1. late 15th cent. (in the sense 'management of material resources'): from French économie, or via Latin from Greek oikonomia 'household management', based on oikos 'house' + nemein 'manage'. Current senses date from the 17th cent

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