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elbow vt.用肘挤,挤进

/ 5elbEu /

1. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
• 肘
 »she propped herself up on one elbow.
  the part of the sleeve of a garment covering the elbow
• (衣服的)肘部
  a thing resembling an elbow, in particular a piece of piping bent through an angle
• 肘状物;L形弯管
verb, [with obj. and adverbial]
1. strike (someone) with one's elbow
• 用肘击(某人)
 »one player had elbowed another in the face.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move by pushing past people with one's elbows
• 用肘挤着前进,用肘推
 »people elbowed past each other to the door.
 »furiously, he elbowed his way through the crush.
  (figurative)get rid of or disregard (a person or idea) in a cursory and dismissive way
[喻] 对…弃之不顾,把…推到一边去
 »the issues which concerned them tended to be elbowed aside by men.
at one's elbow
1. close at hand; nearby
• 在手头;在附近
1. very close together
• 摩肩接踵地,紧挨着
give someone the elbow
1. [informal] reject or dismiss someone in a rough, almost contemptuous manner
[非正式] 对…弃之不顾,抛开,排斥
 »I tried to get her to give him the elbow.
 »she decided to give tradition the elbow.
up to one's elbows in
1. [informal] with one's hands plunged in (something)
[非正式] 手深陷于某物之中
 »I was up to my elbows in the cheese-potato mixture.
  (figurative)deeply involved in (a task or undertaking)
[喻] 深深卷入,忙于(某任务或事业)
1. Old English elboga, elnboga, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch elleboog and German Ellenbogen (see also ell , bow )

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