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exchequer exchequer
/ 5eks7tFekE , Iks5tFekE /

1. a royal or national treasury
• 英国财政部
  [Exchequer] [Brit.] the account at the Bank of England in which is held the Consolidated Fund, into which tax receipts and other public monies are paid; the funds of the British government
[英] 英国国家银行资金
  [Exchequer] [Brit. historical] the former government office responsible for collecting revenue and making payments on behalf of the sovereign, auditing official accounts, and trying legal cases relating to revenue
[英史] 财务署,税收法庭
1. Middle English: from Old French eschequier, from medieval Latin scaccarium 'chessboard', from scaccus (see check ). The original sense was 'chessboard'. Current senses derive from the department of state established by the Norman kings to deal with the royal revenues, named Exchequer from the chequered tablecloth on which accounts were kept by means of counters. The spelling was influenced by Latin ex- 'out' (see ex ).
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