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excitation n 兴奋(excite使兴奋)

/ 7eksaI5teIFEn /

noun, [mass noun]
1. (technical)the application of energy to a particle, object, or physical system, in particular
[技] 向微粒、物体或物理系统施用能量,尤指
  [Physics] the process in which an atom or other particle adopts a higher energy state when energy is supplied
[物理] 激发;激励
 »thermal excitation.
  [Physiology] the state of enhanced activity or potential activity of a cell, organism, or tissue which results from its stimulation
[生理] 兴奋;激动
  the process of applying current to the winding of an electromagnet to produce a magnetic field
• 励磁
  the process of applying a signal voltage to the control electrode of an electron tube or the base of a transistor
• 激励
2. the action or state of exciting or being excited; excitement
• 兴奋;激动
 »a state of sexual excitation.
1. late Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin excitatio(n-), from excitare 'rouse, call forth' (see excite )

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