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expense n.价钱,花费,费;[pl.]开支,业务费用

/ iks5pens /

1. [mass noun] the cost incurred in or required for something; the money spent on something
• 代价;价钱;费用
 »we had ordered suits at great expense.
 »the committee do not expect members to be put to any expense.
  (expenses)the costs incurred in the performance of one's job or a specific task, especially one undertaken for another person
• 开支;花费
 »his hotel and travel expenses.
  [count noun] a thing on which one is required to spend money
• 必须花钱的东西
 »tolls are a daily expense.
1. [with obj.] [一般作 be expensed] offset (an item of expenditure) as an expense against taxable income
• 把(开支项目)记入费用账;把…作为开支勾销
  [informal] charge (something) to an expense account
[非正式] 把…记入报销账
 »I can expense the refreshments.
at someone's expense
1. paid for by someone
• 由某人付费;由某人承担费用
 »the document was printed at the taxpayer's expense.
  with someone as the victim, especially of a joke
• 以某人为受害者;拿某人开玩笑
 »my friends all had a good laugh at my expense.
at the expense of
1. so as to cause harm to or neglect of
• 以…为代价;忽视
 »the pursuit of profit at the expense of the environment.
 »language courses which emphasize communication skills at the expense of literature.
1. late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, alteration of Old French espense, from late Latin expensa (pecunia) '(money) spent', from Latin expendere 'pay out' (see expend )

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