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fasten vt.&vi.扣紧,系,使固定,闩上

/ 5fB:sEn /

1. [with obj.] close or do up securely
• 扣紧,束紧,系牢,扎紧
 »the tunic was fastened with a row of gilt buttons.
  [no obj., with adverbial] be closed or done up in a particular place or part or in a particular way
• (在某处或以某种方式)束起,系住,扣上
 »a blue nightie that fastens down the back.
  [with obj. and adverbial] fix or hold in place
• 把…放(或固定)在适当位置
 »she fastened her locket round her neck.
  (fasten something on/upon)direct one's eyes, thoughts, feelings, etc. intently at
• 使(眼睛、思想、感情等)专注于
 »his gaze was fastened on his daughter.
 »[no obj.] his eyes seemed to fasten on her.
  (fasten something on/upon)ascribe responsibility to
• 归咎于
 »blame hadn't been fastened on anyone.
  [no obj.] (fasten on/upon)single out (someone or something) and concentrate on them or it obsessively
• 纠缠;集中于
 »the critics fastened upon two sections of the report.
  (fasten something off)secure the end of a piece of thread with stitches or a knot
• 缝牢线头;把线头打结
fastener noun
1. Old English fæstnian 'make sure, confirm', also 'immobilize', of West Germanic origin; related to fast

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