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feel vi.摸起来

/ fi:l /

(past and past participle felt ), [with obj.]
1. be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched
• (通过触觉)感知,感觉(人,物体)
 »she felt someone touch her shoulder.
  be aware of (something happening) through physical sensation
• 感知,感觉(正在发生的事件)
 »she felt the ground give way beneath her.
  examine or search by touch
• 摸着查找;摸索
 »he touched her head and felt her hair.
 »[no obj.] he felt around for the matches.
  [no obj.] be capable of sensation
• 有知觉,能感知
 »the dead cannot feel.
  [no obj., with complement] give a sensation of a particular physical quality when touched
• 摸上去觉得;有某种手感
 »the wool feels soft.
  (feel one's way)find one's way by touch rather than sight
• 摸索着走路
  (feel one's way)(figurative)act cautiously, especially in an area with which one is unfamiliar
[喻] (对不熟悉的事)慎重行事;摸索
 »she was new in the job, still feeling her way.
  (feel something out)[informal] investigate something cautiously
[非正式] 慎重调查;弄清楚
 »they want to feel out the situation.
  (feel someone up)[informal] fondle someone surreptitiously and without their consent, for one's own sexual stimulation
[非正式] 猥亵
2. experience (an emotion or sensation)
• 经历,感受(情感,感觉)
 »I felt a sense of excitement.
 »[no obj., with complement] I felt angry and humiliated.
  [no obj., with complement] consider oneself to be in a particular state or exhibiting particular qualities
• 觉得,认为(自己处于某状态或具有某素质)
 »he doesn't feel obliged to visit every weekend.
  (feel up to)have the strength and energy to do or deal with
• 有力气(或精力)做(或处理)
 »after the accident she didn't feel up to driving.
  [usu. with negative] (feel oneself)be healthy and well
• 健康,无恙
 »Ruth was not quite feeling herself.
  be emotionally affected by
• 感情受…的影响;感受
 »he didn't feel the loss of his mother so keenly.
  [no obj. with adverbial] have a specified reaction or attitude, especially an emotional one, towards something
• (对某事)作出(情绪化)反应,抱(情绪化)态度
 »we feel very strongly about freedom of expression.
  (feel for)have compassion for
• 同情,怜悯
 »poor woman—I do feel for her.
3. [with clause] have a belief or impression, especially without an identifiable reason
• (尤指莫名地)觉得,感到
 »she felt that the woman positively disliked her.
  hold an opinion
• 认为
 »I felt I could make a useful contribution.
noun, [usu. in sing.]
1. an act of touching something to examine it
• 摸着检查,触摸
  [mass noun] the sense of touch
• 触觉,手感
 »he worked by feel rather than using his eyes.
2. a sensation given by an object or material when touched
• (物体、材料的)手感
 »nylon cloth with a cotton feel.
  the impression given by something
• 印象
 »the restaurant has a modern bistro feel.
feel one's age
1. become aware that one is growing older and less energetic
• 感到自己衰老
feel free (to do something)
1. have no hesitation or shyness (often used as an invitation or for reassurance)
• [常用作邀请、安慰]请随便
 »feel free to say what you like.
feel like (doing) something
1. be inclined to have or do
• 想拥有;想做
 »I feel like celebrating.
feel one's oats --› see oat
feel the pinch --› see pinch
feel the pulse of --› see pulse
feel small --› see small
feel strange --› see strange
get a (或 the) feel for (或 of)
1. become accustomed to
• 习惯于;熟悉
 »you can explore to get a feel of the place.
have a feel for
1. have a sensitive appreciation or an intuitive understanding of
• 能欣赏;能理解
 »you have to have a feel for animals.
make oneself (或 one's presence) felt
1. make people keenly aware of one; have a noticeable effect
• 让别人感到自己的存在;显现
 »the economic crisis began to make itself felt.
1. Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelen and German fühlen

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