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fibre n.(棉,木,肌肉等等)纤维,纤维质

/ 5faibE /

[美 fiber] , noun
1. a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed
• (构成植物组织、矿物质、纺织品的)纤维,丝
 »the basket comes lined with natural coco fibres.
  a substance formed of such threads or filaments
• 纤维物质;纤维质料;织物
 »ordinary synthetics don't breathe as well as natural fibres.
 »[mass noun] high strength carbon fibre.
  a thread-like structure forming part of the muscular, nervous, connective, or other tissue in the human or animal body
• (肌肉、神经、关节等组织的)纤维
 »there were degenerative changes in muscle fibres.
 »she wanted him with every fibre of her being.
  [mass noun] (figurative)strength of character
[喻] 人格力量,道义力量,精神力量
 »a weak person with no moral fibre.
2. [mass noun] dietary material containing substances such as cellulose, lignin, and pectin, that are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes
• 含纤维食物
fibred adjective
 »[in combination] long-fibred wools.
fibreless adjective
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'lobe of the liver' (plural) 'entrails'): via French from Latin fibra 'fibre, filament, entrails'

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