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fifth num.第五(个),五分之一(的)

/ fIfW /

ordinal number
1. constituting number five in a sequence; 5th
• 第五
 »the fifth century bc.
 »her mother had just given birth to another child, her fifth.
 »the world's fifth-largest oil exporter.
 »the fifth of November.
  (a fifth/one fifth)each of five equal parts into which something is or may be divided
• 五分之一
  the fifth finisher or position in a race or competition
• (比赛或竞赛的)第五名;第五位
 »he finished fifth.
  (in some vehicles) the fifth (and typically highest) in a sequence of gears
• (某些车辆的)第五挡(多为最高挡)
 »in my panic I changed from third to fifth.
  (chiefly Brit.)the fifth form of a school or college
[主英] (学校、学院的)第五学年;五年级
  fifthly (used to introduce a fifth point or reason)
• 第五(用来引出第五个要点或原因)
 »fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.
  [Music] an interval spanning five consecutive notes in a diatonic scale, in particular also perfect fifth an interval of three tones and a semitone (e.g. C to G)
[乐] 五度音程
 »strings tuned a fifth apart.
  [Music] the note which is higher by such an interval than the root of a diatonic scale
[乐] 五度音
  (a fifth of)[US informal] a fifth of a gallon, as a measure of alcoholic liquor, or a bottle of this capacity
[美,非正式] (酒量单位)五分之一加仑;容量为五分之一加仑的酒瓶
 » a fifth of whisky.
take the fifth
1. (in the US) exercise the right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of refusing to answer questions in order to avoid incriminating oneself
• (美国)(根据《宪法第五修正案》)拒绝回答问题(以免受牵连)
fifthly adverb

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