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fill vt.装满,充满,填充;占据,担任,补缺

/ fil /

1. [with obj.] put someone or something into (a space or container) so that it is completely or almost completely full
• 使充满;装满;注满;填满
 »I filled up the bottle with water.
 »the office was filled with reporters.
  block up (a cavity in a tooth) with cement, amalgam, or gold
• (用接合剂、汞合金或黄金)填补(牙洞)
  [no obj.] (fill with)become full of
• 装满,充满,满是
 »Elinor's eyes filled with tears.
  become an overwhelming presence in
• 充溢,充斥,弥漫
 »a pungent smell of garlic filled the air.
  cause (someone) to have an intense experience of an emotion or feeling
• 使强烈感受到
 »his presence filled us with foreboding.
  [no obj.] (of a sail) curve out tautly from its supports as the wind blows into it
• (帆)迎风鼓起(或张开)
  [with obj.] (of the wind) blow into (a sail), causing it to curve outwards
• (风)吹鼓(帆)
  [Poker] complete (a good hand) by drawing the necessary cards
[纸牌] 凑成,做成(一手好牌)
  appoint a person to hold (a vacant post)
• 派人担任(空缺职位)
  hold and perform the expected duties of (a position or role)
• 充任(职位,角色);扮演
 »she fills the role of the ‘good’ child.
  occupy or take up (a period of time)
• 占用,花费(一段时间)
 »the next few days were filled with meetings.
  (chiefly N. Amer.)be supplied with the items described in (a prescription or order)
[主北美] 按(处方)配药;按(订单)取货(或提货)
1. (one's fill)an amount of something which is as much as one wants or can bear
• (对某物的)最大需求(或承受)量
 »we have eaten our fill.
 »I've had my fill of surprises for one day.
  an amount of something which will occupy all the space in a container
• (容器的)满容量
 » a fill of tobacco.
  [mass noun] material, typically loose or compacted, which fills a space, especially in building or engineering work
• (尤指用于建筑、工程中的)填料,填充物
 »loose polystyrene fill.
  [mass noun] the action of filling something, especially of shading in a region of a computer graphics display
• 填充;(尤指电脑图像中的)填色
  (in popular music) a short interjected phrase on a particular instrument
• (流行音乐用语)插入句
fill one's boots
1. [informal] have as much of something as one wants; do something to the full
[非正式] 尽情地吃;充分地做
 »fill your boots with spicy Szechuan food for under five bucks a plate.
fill the bill --› see bill
fill someone's shoes [或boots]
1. [informal] take over someone's function or duties and fulfil them satisfactorily
[非正式] 接替并胜任某人的职位(或职责)
1. Old English fyllan (verb), fyllu (noun) of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vullen and German füllen (verbs), Fülle (noun), also to full
fill in
1. act as a substitute for someone when they are unable to do their job
• 暂代(某人的工作)
 »my producer will have to have someone standing by to fill in for me.
fill someone in
1. inform someone more fully of a matter, giving all the details
• 向(某人)详述
 »I patiently filled him in on the British tradition of sherry tippling.
2. [Brit. informal, dated] hit or punch someone
[英,非正式,旧] 殴打,揍
 »I filled in a chap and took his money.
fill something in
1. put material into a hole, trench, or space so that it is completely full
• 填充,填满;堵塞
 »the canal is now disused and partly filled in.
  complete a drawing by adding colour or shade to the spaces within an outline
• 在(轮廓)中填色(或加阴影)
 »incised letters, filled in with gold.
  [Brit] add information to complete a form or other official document
[英] 填写(表格等)
  use one's spare time between other more important activities
• 抽空
 »we spent an uneasy few days filling in time.
fill out
1. (of a person) put on weight to a noticeable extent
• (人)明显发体(或长胖)
fill something out
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)add information to complete an official form or document
[主北美] 填写(表格)
  give more details to add to someone's understanding of something
• 扩充…信息(以增进理解)
 »he filled out the background by going into historical questions.
fill up
1. become completely full
• 装满;挤满;满员
 »the dining car filled up.
  fill the fuel tank of a car
• 注满(汽车的油箱)

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