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film n.电影;胶片;薄膜,薄层 vt.把..拍成电影

/ film /

1. [mass noun] a thin flexible strip of plastic or other material coated with light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in a camera, used to produce photographs or motion pictures
• (电影或照相)胶片,胶卷
 »he had already shot a whole roll of film.
 »[count noun] a new range of films and cameras.
  material in the form of a very thin flexible sheet
• 软片;薄膜
 »clear plastic film between the layers of glass.
  [count noun] a thin layer covering a surface
• 薄薄的一层
 »she quickly wiped away the light film of sweat.
  (archaic)a fine thread or filament
[古] 细纹;细丝
 »films of silk.
2. a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a cinema or on television
• 电影;影片
 »a horror film.
 »[as modifier] a film director.
  [mass noun] cinema considered as an art or industry
• 电影艺术;电影业
 »a critical overview of feminist writing on film.
1. [with obj.] capture on film as part of a series of moving images; make a film of (a story or event)
• 拍摄;把(故事,事件)拍成影片
 »she glowered at the television crew who were filming them.
  make a cinema or television film of (a book)
• 把(书)拍成影片(或电视片)
  [no obj.] (film well/badly)be well or badly suited to portrayal in a film
• (不)适于拍成电影;(不)上镜
 »an adventure story which would film well.
2. [no obj.] become or appear to become covered with a thin layer of something
• 变得朦胧
 »his eyes had filmed over.
1. Old English filmen 'membrane', of West Germanic origin; related to fell

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