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final a.最后的;决定性的n.[pl.]期终考试,决赛

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1. coming at the end of a series
• 最后的
 »the final version of the report was presented.
  reached or designed to be reached as the outcome of a process or a series of actions and events
• 最后的,最终的
 »the final cost will easily run into six figures.
  allowing no further doubt or dispute
• 决定性的;确定性的;不可更改的
 »the decision of the judging panel is final.
1. the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament
• 决赛
  (finals)a series of games constituting the final stage of a competition
• 决赛阶段
 »the World Cup finals.
2. (finals)[Brit.] a series of examinations at the end of a degree course
[英] 学位课程结业考试
 »she was doing her history finals.
  (final)[N. Amer.] an examination at the end of a term, school year, or particular class
[北美] 期末考试;学年考试;结业考试
3. [Music] the principal note in a mode
[乐] 主调音
4. (finals)the final approach of an aircraft to the runway it will be landing on
• 五边
 »the plane piloted by Richards was on finals.
the final straw
--› see straw
1. Middle English (in the adjectival sense 'conclusive'): from Old French, or from Latin finalis, from finis 'end'.
--› compare finish

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