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fine a.美好的;纤细的 n.罚款 v.(对…)处以罚款

/ fain /

1. of very high quality
• 优质的,高品质的
 »this was a fine piece of film-making.
 »fine wines.
  (of a person) worthy of or eliciting admiration
• (人)值得钦慕的;让人钦佩的
 »what a fine human being he is.
   good ; satisfactory
• 好的;令人满意的
 »relations in the group were fine.
  used to express one's agreement with or acquiescence to something
• 可以,行
 »anything you want is fine by me, Linda.
 »he said such a solution would be fine.
  in good health and feeling well
• 健康的
 »‘I'm fine, just fine. And you?’.
  (of the weather) bright and clear
• (天气)晴朗的,明媚的
 »it was another fine winter day.
  of imposing and dignified appearance or size
• 气势宏伟的;堂皇的
 »a very fine Elizabethan mansion.
  (of speech or writing) sounding impressive and grand but ultimately insincere
• (言语文词)矫饰的,华而不实的
 »fine words seemed to produce few practical benefits.
  denoting or displaying a state of good, though not excellent, preservation in stamps, books, coins, etc
• (邮票、书籍、硬币等)保存好的
  (of gold or silver) containing a specified high proportion of pure metal
• (金,银)含量高的,高纯度的,成色高的
 »the coin is struck in .986 fine gold.
2. (of a thread, filament, or person's hair) thin
• (线,丝,头发)纤细的
 »I have always had fine and dry hair.
  (of a point) sharp
• (端点)尖的;锋利的
 »I sharpened the leads to a fine point.
  consisting of small particles
• 由微小颗粒构成的
 »the soils were all fine silt.
  having or requiring an intricate delicacy of touch
• 手法精巧的;纤巧的
 »exquisitely fine work.
  (of something abstract) subtle and therefore perceived only with difficulty and care
• (抽象事物)细微的;难以察觉的
 »the fine distinctions between the new and old definitions of refugee.
  (of feelings) refined; elevated
• (感情)纯洁的;细腻的;(情绪)高昂的;欢欣的
 »you might appeal to their finer feelings.
3. [Cricket] directed or stationed behind the wicket and close to the line of flight of the ball when it is bowled
[板球] 在三柱门后面的
1. (fines)very small particles found in mining, milling, etc.
• 矿石、磨粉等的)微小颗粒
1. [informal] in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well
[非正式] 令人满意的;很好的
 »‘And how's the job-hunting going?’ ‘Oh, fine’.
2. [Cricket] behind the wicket and close to the line of flight of the ball when it is bowled
[板球] 在三柱门后面
1. [with obj.] clarify (beer or wine) by causing the precipitation of sediment during production
• 澄清(啤酒,葡萄酒),纯化
  [no obj.] (of liquid) become clear
• (液体)变清
 »the ale hadn't had quite time to fine down.
2. make or become thinner
• (使)变细;(使)变瘦
 »[with obj.] it can be fined right down to the finished shape.
 »[no obj.] she'd certainly fined down—her face was thinner.
3. [no obj.] (fine up)[N. English & Austral./NZ informal] (of the weather) become bright and clear
[北英格兰,澳/新西兰,非正式] (天气)变晴朗;放晴
cut it (或 things) fine
1. allow a very small margin of something, especially time
• (尤指在时间上)精打细算
 »boys who have cut it rather fine are scuttling into chapel.
do fine
1. be entirely satisfactory
• 令人称心如意(或心满意足)
 »an omelette will do fine.
  be healthy or well
• 健康
 »the baby's doing fine.
  do something in a satisfactory manner
• 令人满意地做
 »he was doing fine acquiring all the necessary disciplines in finance.
do someone fine
1. suit or be enough for someone
• 适合某人;对某人而言足够
fine feathers make fine birds
1. (proverb)beautiful clothes or an eye-catching appearance make a person appear similarly beautiful or impressive
[谚] 人靠衣装
the finer points of
1. the more complex or detailed aspects of
• …的细微奥妙之处;…的细节
 »he went on to discuss the finer points of his work.
——'s finest
1. [N. Amer. informal] the police of a particular city
[北美,非正式] …市警方
 »Moscow's finest.
one's finest hour
1. the time of one's greatest success
• 鼎盛时期;春风得意之时
fine words butter no parsnips
1. (proverb)nothing is achieved by empty promises or flattery
[谚] 花言巧语无济于事
not to put too fine a point on it
1. to speak bluntly
• 坦率地说,恕我直言
 »not to put too fine a point on it, your Emily is a liar.
one fine day
1. at some unspecified or unknown time
• 有朝一日;某一天
 »you want to be the Chancellor one fine day.
finely adverb
fineness noun
1. Middle English: from Old French fin, based on Latin finire 'to finish' (see finish )
1. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other body or person in authority
• 罚金
 »a parking fine.
1. [with obj.] [常作 be fined] punish (someone), typically for breaking the law, by making them pay a sum of money
• (尤指因违法而)罚(某人)款
 »she was fined £1500 for driving offences.
fineable adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French fin 'end, payment', from Latin finis 'end' (in medieval Latin denoting a sum paid on settling a lawsuit). The original sense was 'conclusion' (surviving in the phrase in fine); also used in the medieval Latin sense, the word came to denote a penalty of any kind, later specifically a monetary penalty
1. [mass noun] French brandy of high quality made from distilled wine rather than from pomace
• 优质法国白兰地
  short for fine champagne
• fine champagne 的简称
1. (in musical directions) the place where a piece of music finishes (when this is not at the end of the score but at the end of an earlier section which is repeated at the end of the piece)
• (演奏演唱指示用语)(乐谱前部的)终止,结尾
1. Italian, from Latin finis 'end'

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