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fire n.火;火灾,失火;炉火 vi.开火 vt.放(枪)

/ 5faiE /

noun, [mass noun]
1. combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke
• 火
 »his house was destroyed by fire.
  one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius)
• 火(古代和中世纪哲学以及占星术中的四大元素之一,在白羊宫、狮子宫和人马宫的天性中必不可少)
 »[as modifier] a fire sign.
  [count noun] a destructive burning of something
• 火灾
 »a fire at a hotel.
  [count noun] a collection of fuel, especially coal or wood, burnt in a controlled way to provide heat or a means for cooking
• (尤指烧煤或木柴的)炉火,灶火
 »we had a bath in a tin tub by the fire.
  [count noun] [Brit] . short for electric fire or gas fire
[英] electric fire 或 gas fire的简称
  [count noun] a burning sensation in the body
• 火辣辣的感觉
 »the whisky lit a fire in the back of his throat.
  fervent or passionate emotion or enthusiasm
• 激情,热情
 »the fire of their religious conviction.
  (poetic/literary)luminosity; glow
[诗/文] 光明,光辉;光亮
 »their soft smiles light the air like a star's fire.
2. the shooting of projectiles from weapons, especially bullets from guns
• (武器)发射,射击,开火(尤指开枪)
 »a burst of machine-gun fire.
  strong criticism or antagonism
• 猛烈的批评;悍然对抗
 »he directed his fire against policies promoting American capital flight.
verb, [with obj.]
1. discharge a gun or other weapon in order to explosively propel (a bullet or projectile)
• 发射(子弹,抛射体)
 »he fired a shot at the retreating prisoners.
 »they fired off a few rounds.
  discharge (a gun or other weapon)
• 开(枪等武器)
 »another gang fired a pistol through the window of a hostel.
 »[no obj.] troops fired on crowds.
  [no obj.] (of a gun) be discharged
• (枪)开火
  direct (questions or statements, especially unwelcome ones) towards someone in rapid succession
• 向某人连珠炮似的提(问题,尤指令人不快的问题);接二连三向某人作(陈述,尤指令人不快的陈述)
 »they fired questions at me for what seemed like ages.
  (fire something off)send a message aggressively, especially as one of a series
• 奋笔疾书;疾言厉色地连连说话
 »he fired off a letter informing her that he regarded the matter with the utmost seriousness.
2. [informal] dismiss (an employee) from a job
[非正式] 解雇
 »having to fire men who've been with me for years.
 »you're fired!.
3. supply (a furnace, engine, boiler, or power station) with fuel
• 给(熔炉,引擎,锅炉,发电站)加燃料
  [no obj.] (of an internal-combustion engine, or a cylinder in one) undergo ignition of its fuel when started
• (内置内燃机及其汽缸)点火,点燃
 »the engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator.
  (archaic)set fire to
[古] 点燃
 »I fired the straw.
4. stimulate or excite (the imagination or an emotion)
• 刺激,激发,唤起(想像,情感)
 »India fired my imagination.
  fill (someone) with enthusiasm
• 使充满热情;激励
 »he was fired up for last season's FA Cup final.
  [no obj.] (fire up)(archaic)show sudden anger
[古] 突然发怒
 »If I were to hear anyone speak slightingly of you, I should fire up in a moment.
5. bake or dry (pottery, bricks, etc.) in a kiln
• 烧制(陶器、砖等)
breathe fire
1. be extremely angry
• 盛怒,暴怒
 »I don't want an indignant boyfriend on my doorstep breathing fire.
catch fire
1. begin to burn
• 开始燃烧,着火
  (figurative)become interesting or exciting
[喻] 吸引人,引起兴趣;激动人心
 »the show never caught fire.
fire and brimstone
1. the supposed torments of hell
• 地狱的磨难
 »his father was preaching fire and brimstone sermons.
fire away
1. [informal] used to give someone permission to begin speaking, typically to ask questions
[非正式] [用以表示许可]说吧,讲吧;问吧
 »"I want to clear up some questions which have been puzzling me." "Fire away.".
fire in the (或 one's) belly
1. a powerful sense of ambition or determination
• 雄心壮志;坚定的决心
firing on all four cylinders
1. working or functioning at a peak level
• 开足马力;鼓足干劲
go on fire
1. [Scottish & Irish] begin to burn; catch fire
[苏格兰,爱尔兰] 开始燃烧;着火
go through fire (and water)
1. face any peril
• 赴汤蹈火
light a fire under someone
1. [N. Amer.] stimulate someone to work or act more quickly or enthusiastically
[北美] 激励,鼓舞,鞭策
on fire
1. in flames; burning
• 起火,着火;在燃烧
  in a state of excitement
• 激动,兴奋
 »Wright is now on fire with confidence.
set fire to
1. (或 set something on fire)cause to burn; ignite
• 点燃,使着火;使燃烧
set the world (或英
1. do something remarkable or sensational
• 引起轰动;惊世骇俗
 »the film hasn't exactly set the world on fire.
take fire
1. start to burn
• 开始燃烧;着火
under fire
1. being shot at
• 遭射击;受攻击
 »observers sent to look for the men came under heavy fire.
  being rigorously criticized
• 遭到猛烈批评
 »the president was under fire from all sides.
where's the fire?
1. [informal] used to ask someone why they are in such a hurry or state of excitement
[非正式] 干吗这么慌张(或兴奋)
fireless adjective
firer noun
1. Old English fȳr (noun), fȳrian supply with material for a fire, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vuur and German Feuer

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