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flag v.(用特殊记号)标出(某物,以引起特别注意)

/ flAɡ /

1. a piece of cloth or similar material, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as the symbol or emblem of a country or institution or as a decoration during public festivities
• 旗,旗帜;国旗;彩旗
 »the American flag.
  used in reference to the country to which a person has allegiance
• 所效忠的国家
 »Black had to be made to serve as an example for every soldier under the flag.
  a small piece of cloth attached at one edge to a pole and used as a marker or signal in various sports
• 体育比赛中的信号旗
 »the flag's up.
  a small paper badge given to people who donate to a charity appeal in the street
• (在街上慈善捐赠后获得的)小纸徽
  the ensign carried by a flagship as an emblem of an admiral's rank
• (旗舰上象征舰队首领等级的)旗舰旗
 »Hawke first hoisted his flag at Spithead.
2. a device, symbol, or drawing typically resembling a flag, used as a marker
• (用作标志的)旗状装置(或符号、图画)
 »golf courses are indicated by a numbered flag on the map.
  a mechanism that is raised to indicate that a taxi is for hire
• 出租车“空车”牌,出租车空车显示器
  [Computing] a variable used to indicate a particular property of the data in a record
[计算机] (表示储存数据特征的)标记,特征位
(flagged, flagging), [with obj.]
1. [常作 be flagged] mark (an item) for attention or treatment in a specified way
• 标出,标明(事项)需要注意(或处理)
 »‘greatfully’ would be flagged as a misspelling of ‘gratefully’.
  “greatfully” 会作为“gratefully”的误拼标出来。
  (figurative)draw attention to
[喻] 引起对…的注意
 »problems often flag the need for organizational change.
2. [with obj. and adverbial] direct (someone) to go in the specified direction by waving a flag or using hand signals
• 挥旗(或打手势)指示(某人)走某个方向
 »have him flagged off the course.
  (flag someone/thing down)signal to a vehicle or driver to stop, especially by waving one's arm
• (尤指挥舞手臂)示意(车辆,司机)停下
  (flag someone/thing off)wave a flag at someone or something as a starting signal
• 挥旗向…示意开始
 »the vintage car fiesta will be flagged off by the minister for tourism.
  [no obj.] (of an official) raise a flag to draw the referee's attention to a breach of the rules in soccer, rugby, and other sports
• (英式足球或橄榄球等运动中裁判)举旗请主裁判注意违规行为
 »the goalkeeper brought down Hendrie and a linesman immediately flagged.
3. [usu. as noun flagging] provide with a flag or flags
• 悬旗于;以彩旗装点
 »local reports from Bavaria mentioned very sparse flagging on Hitler's birthday.
  register (a vessel) in a specific country, under whose flag it then sails
• 在某国注册(船只)并挂该国国旗行驶
 »the flagging out of much of the fleet to flags of convenience.
fly the flag
1. (of a ship) be registered in a particular country and sail under its flag
• (船)在某国注册并挂该国国旗行驶
  (也作 show 或 carry 或 wave the flag)represent or demonstrate support for one's country, political party, or organization, especially when one is abroad
• (尤指在海外时)代表(或支持)自己的国家(或政党、组织)
 »he will fly the flag for North Wales golf in Europe next month.
keep the flag flying
1. represent one's country or organization, especially when abroad
• (尤指在海外时)代表自己的国家(或组织)
 »British products are keeping the flag flying for the home country.
put the flags (或 flag) out
1. celebrate
• 庆祝,庆贺
 »temperatures are increasing again—that's why we're putting out the flags.
show the flag
1. (of a naval vessel) make an official visit to a foreign port, especially as a show of strength
• (尤指海军舰艇为展示实力而)正式访问外国港口
wrap oneself in the flag
1. (chiefly N. Amer.)make an excessive show of one's patriotism, especially for political ends
[主北美] (尤指为政治目的而)过分表现爱国热情
flagger noun
1. mid 16th cent.: perhaps from obsolete flag 'drooping', of unknown ultimate origin
1. a flat stone slab, typically rectangular or square, used for paving
• 铺路用的厚石板(多为矩形或正方形)
flagged adjective
 »[often in combination] stone-flagged steps.
1. late Middle English (also in the sense 'turf, sod'): probably of Scandinavian origin and related to Icelandic flag 'spot from which a sod has been cut' and Old Norse flaga 'slab of stone'
1. a plant with sword-shaped leaves that grow from a rhizome
• 根茎上生长剑形叶的植物。 见 yellow flag (义项2)
2. a plant of the iris family (genus Iris, family Iridaceae)
• 鸢尾;香蒲;菖蒲(鸢尾属,鸢尾科)见 yellow flag (义项2). 见 sweet flag
  the long slender leaf of such a plant
• 鸢尾叶;香蒲叶;菖蒲叶
1. late Middle English: related to Middle Dutch flag and Danish flæg; of unknown ultimate origin
(flagged, flagging)
1. [no obj.] (of a person) become tired, weaker, or less enthusiastic
• (人)疲倦起来;虚弱起来;热情消退
 »if you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you.
  [often as adj. flagging] (especially of an activity or quality) become weaker or less dynamic
• (尤指活动、素质)衰退,低落;每况愈下
 »she should make another similar film to revive her flagging career.
1. mid 16th cent. (in the sense 'flap about loosely, hang down'): related to obsolete flag 'hanging down'

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