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flavour vt.给…调味

/ 5fleivE /

[美 flavor] , noun
1. the distinctive quality of a particular food or drink as perceived by the taste buds
• (食物或饮料的独特)口味,滋味
 »the crisps come in pizza and barbecue flavours.
 »[mass noun] mozzarella cheese adds flavour to any salad.
  [in sing.] (figurative)a distinctive quality of something, especially one reminiscent of something else
[喻] (尤指令人联想起其他东西的某种事物的)特质,…味
 »this year's seminars have a European flavour.
  [in sing.] (figurative)an indication of the essential character of something
[喻] 特点;风味;韵味;风格
 »the extracts give a flavour of the content and tone of the conversation.
  (chiefly US)a substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink; a flavouring
[主美] 调味品,调料
2. [Physicis] a quantized property of quarks which differentiates them into at least six varieties (up, down, charmed, strange, top, bottom)
[物理] 味。
--› compare colour
1. [with obj.] alter or enhance the taste of (food or drink) by adding a particular ingredient
• 给(食物,饮料)调味
 »they use a wide range of spices to flavour their foods.
 »chunks of chicken flavoured with herbs.
  (figurative)give a distinctive quality to
[喻] 赋予…特殊风味,使特别
 »the faint exasperation that had flavoured her tone.
flavour of the month
1. a person or thing that enjoys a short period of great popularity
• 昙花一现的风云人物
 »don't opt for a system that's flavour of the month.
flavourful adjective
flavourless adjective
flavoursome adjective
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'fragrance, aroma'): from Old French flaor, perhaps based on a blend of Latin flatus 'blowing' and foetor 'stench'; the -v- appears to have been introduced in Middle English by association with savour. Sense 1 dates from the late 17th cent

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