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flight n.溃退,逃跑;外流

/ flait /

1. [mass noun] the action or process of flying through the air
• 飞行;飞翔
 »an eagle in flight.
 »the history of space flight.
 »[as modifier] insect flight muscles.
  [count noun] an act of flying; a journey made through the air or in space, especially a timetabled journey made by an airline
• 飞行;空中(或太空)旅行(尤指航空公司定时航班)
 »I got the first flight.
  the movement or trajectory of a projectile or ball through the air
• (射弹或球的)飞行;飞行轨道
  [as modifier] relating to or denoting archery in which the main concern is shooting long distances
• (与)远射用轻箭(有关的)
 »short, light flight arrows.
  (poetic/literary)swift passage of time
[诗/文] 光阴飞逝
 »the never-ending flight of future days.
2. a group of creatures or objects flying together, in particular
• 飞行动物(或飞行物体)群,尤指
  a flock or large body of birds or insects in the air, especially when migrating
• (尤指迁徙)飞行的鸟(或昆虫)群
 »flights of whooper swans.
  a group of aircraft operating together, especially an RAF or USAF unit of about six aircraft
• (尤指英、美空军六架左右飞机组成的)飞行小队
 »he dispatched the Hurricanes in three flights.
3. [mass noun] the action of fleeing or attempting to escape
• 逃跑,逃避;企图逃跑
 »the enemy were now in flight.
 »[count noun] a flight from shortages and cold to liberation.
  the selling of currency or shares by many investors
• (货币或股票的)抛售,抽逃
 »lack of confidence triggered a flight out of the currency.
4. a series of steps between floors or levels
• 一段楼梯(或阶梯)
 »she has to come up four flights of stairs to her flat.
  a series of hurdles across a racetrack
• (跑道)一组跨栏
  a sequence of locks by which a canal ascends an incline
• (使运河沿斜坡上升)多级船闸
5. an extravagant or far-fetched idea or account
• 过分(或牵强)的想法(或描述)
 »ignoring such ridiculous flights of fancy.
6. the tail of a dart
• 镖尾
verb, [with obj.]
1. [Brit.] (in soccer, cricket, etc.) deliver (a ball) with well-judged trajectory and pace
[英] (足球、板球等)将(球)准确吊传
 »he flighted a free kick into the box.
2. provide (an arrow or dart) with feathers or vanes; fletch
• 给(箭,镖)装羽毛(或箭翎)
 »shafts of wood flighted with a handful of feathers.
3. shoot (wildfowl) in flight
• 射击(飞行中野禽)
 »[as noun flighting] duck and geese flighting.
in full flight
1. escaping as fast as possible
• 全速逃跑
  having gained momentum in a run or activity
• (跑步或活动中)已加速;势头已起
 »Yorke was brought down in full flight.
put someone/thing to flight
1. cause someone or something to flee
• 使某人/某物逃散
 »the hussars would have been put to flight.
take flight
1. (of a bird) take off and fly
• (鸟)飞走
2. (也作 take to flight)flee
• 逃走,逃跑
 »they took flight into exile on Eadwine's accession.
1. Old English flyht 'action or manner of flying', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vlucht and fly. This was probably merged in Middle English with an unrecorded Old English word related to German Flucht and to flee, which is represented by sense 3 of the noun

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