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fly v.飞跑,逃跑,消失

/ flai /

(flies; past flew ; past participle flown ), [no obj.]
1. (of a bird or other winged creature) move through the air under control
• (鸟等有翼的生物)飞,飞行
 »close the door or the moths will fly in.
 »the bird can fly enormous distances.
  (of an aircraft or its occupants) travel through the air
• (飞机)飞行;(机上人员)乘飞机旅行
 »I fly back to London this evening.
  [with obj.] control the flight of (an aircraft); pilot
• 驾驶(飞机)
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] transport in an aircraft
• 空运
 »helicopters flew the injured to hospital.
  [with obj.] accomplish (a purpose) in an aircraft
• 驾机执行(任务)
 »pilots trained to fly combat missions.
  [with obj.] release (a bird) to fly, especially a hawk for hunting or a pigeon for racing
• 放飞(尤指猎鹰或竞飞鸽)
2. move or be hurled quickly through the air
• 在空中快速移动;被快速投掷
 »balls kept flying over her hedge.
 »he was sent flying by the tackle.
  [with adverbial of direction] [Baseball] hit a ball high into the air
[棒球] 打高飞球
 »he flied out to the left field.
  [with adverbial of direction] go or move quickly
• 飞奔,快速移动
 »she flew along the path.
  [informal] depart hastily
[非正式] 匆忙离去
 »I must fly!.
  (of time) pass swiftly
• (时间)飞逝
 »how time flies!.
  (of a report) be circulated among many people
• (传闻)迅速传播
 »rumours were flying around Manchester.
  (of accusations or insults) be exchanged swiftly and heatedly
• (指责,谩骂)往来激烈
 »the accusations flew thick and fast.
3. [with adverbial] (especially of hair) wave or flutter in the wind
• (尤指头发)扬起,飘动
 »they were running, hair flying everywhere.
  (of a flag) be displayed, especially on a flagpole
• (旗)悬挂(尤指在旗杆上)
 »flags were flying at half mast.
  [with obj.] display (a flag)
• 挂(旗),升(旗)
4. (archaic)flee; run away
[古] 逃跑
 »those that fly may fight again.
  [with obj.] flee from; escape from in haste
• 逃离;匆匆逃离
 »you must fly the country for a while.
5. [N. Amer. informal] be successful
[北美,非正式] 成功
 »that idea didn't fly with most other council members.
(pl. flies)
1. [Brit.] [常作 flies] an opening at the crotch of a pair of trousers, closed with a zip or buttons and typically covered with a flap
[英] (裤子)前裆开口
  a flap of material covering the opening or fastening of a garment or of a tent
• (衣服或帐篷开口处的)遮盖,挡帘
 »[as modifier, in combination] a fly-fronted shirt.
2. (the flies)the space over the stage in a theatre
• (剧院)吊景区,悬吊布景的空间
3. [Baseball] . short for fly ball
[棒球] fly ball 的简称
4. (pl. 一般作flys)[Brit. historical] a one-horse hackney carriage
[英,史] 单马出租马车
5. [Austral., informal] an attempt
[澳,非正式] 努力,尝试,企图
 »we decided to give it a fly.
fly the coop
1. [informal] make one's escape
[非正式] 逃跑
fly the flag --› see flag
fly high
1. be very successful; prosper
• 非常成功;繁荣昌盛
 »that young man is the sort to fly high.
fly in the face of
1. be openly at variance with (what is usual or expected)
• 悍然不顾;公然违抗
 »a need to fly in the face of convention.
fly into a rage (或 temper)
1. become suddenly or violently angry
• 勃然大怒
fly a kite
1. (informal, figurative)try something out to test public opinion
[非正式,喻] 试探舆论
 »I thought that I would fly a kite for a somewhat unfashionable theory.
2. (historical)raise money by an accommodation bill
[史] 开融通票据筹集资金
fly the nest
1. (of a young bird) leave its nest on becoming able to fly
• (幼鸟)会飞时离巢
  [informal] (of a young person) leave their parents' home to set up home elsewhere
[非正式] (年轻人)自立门户
fly off the handle
1. [informal] lose one's temper suddenly and unexpectedly
[非正式] 突然发怒
go fly a kite
1. [in imperative] [N. Amer. informal] go away
[北美,非正式] 走开,滚开
on the fly
1. while in motion or progress
• 飞行中,未落地时;进行中
 »his deep shot was caught on the fly.
  [Computing] during the running of a computer program without interrupting the run
[计算机] 程序运行期间,不中断程序运行
flyable adjective
1. Old English flēogan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vliegen and German fliegen, also to fly
fly at
1. attack (someone) verbally or physically
• (口头,身体)攻击
 »Robbie flew at him, fists clenched.
  (of a hawk) pursue and attack, or habitually pursue (prey)
• (鹰)追逐并扑向;习惯性追逐(猎物)
  (fly a hawk at)send a hawk to pursue and attack (prey)
• 放鹰追捕(猎物)
(pl. flies)
1. a flying insect of a large order characterized by a single pair of transparent wings and sucking (and often also piercing) mouthparts. Flies are of great importance as vectors of disease
• 苍蝇。
--› see Diptera
2. Order Diptera: numerous families
• 双翅目: 众多科
  [usu. in combination] used in names of flying insects of other orders, e.g. butterfly, dragonfly, firefly
• [用于有翅昆虫名称中,如butterfly, dragonfly和firefly]
  [mass noun] an infestation of flying insects on a plant or animal
• (植物或动物的)蝇类虫害,虫害
 »cattle to be treated for warble fly.
  a natural or artificial flying insect used as bait in fishing, especially a mayfly
• (作钓饵用的)蝇,假蝇(尤指蜉蝣或蜉蝣状钓饵)
die (或 drop) like flies
1. die or collapse in large numbers
• 大量地死(或倒下)
 »people in the area seemed to die like flies in the winter.
drink with the flies
1. [Austral./NZ] drink alone
[澳/新西兰] 独自饮酒
a fly in the ointment
1. a minor irritation that spoils the success or enjoyment of something
• 美中不足之处;令人扫兴的小事
fly on the wall
1. an unnoticed observer of a particular situation
• 未被察觉的观察者
  [as modifier] denoting a film-making technique whereby events are observed realistically with minimum interference rather than acted out under direction
• (电影拍摄技术)实地拍摄
 »a fly-on-the-wall documentary.
like a blue-arsed fly
1. [Brit. vulgar slang] in an extremely hectic or frantic way
[英, 粗俚] 非常兴奋的,紧张忙碌的;疯狂的
there are no flies on ——
1. used to emphasize a person's quickness and astuteness
• (人)机敏精明
 »I knew there were no flies on her, but I wondered how she had found out.
wouldn't hurt (或 harm) a fly
1. used to emphasize how inoffensive and harmless a person or animal is
• (人,动物)不伤人的,温和的
1. Old English flȳge, flēoge, denoting any winged insect, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vlieg and German Fliege, also to fly
(flyer, flyest), [informal] [非正式]
1. [Brit.] knowing and clever; worldly-wise
[英] 机灵的,善于处世的
 »she's fly enough not to get done out of it.
2. [N. Amer.] stylish and fashionable
[北美] 时髦的,流行的
 »they were wearin' fly clothes.
flyness noun
1. early 19th cent.: of unknown origin

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