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formula 公式

/ 5fC:mjulE /

(pl. formulae -liː)
1. (pl. formulae -liː)a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols
• 公式;方程式;计算式
  (也作 chemical formula)a set of chemical symbols showing the elements present in a compound and their relative proportions
• 化学分子式
2. (pl. formulas)a fixed form of words, especially one used in particular contexts or as a conventional usage
• 惯用语句,客套话
 »a legal formula.
  a method, statement, or procedure for achieving something, especially reconciling different aims or positions
• (尤指用于调解的)方案;陈述;程序
 »the forlorn hope of finding a peace formula.
  a rule or style unintelligently or slavishly followed
• (愚蠢或盲目遵守的)常规,惯例;老一套
 »[as modifier] one of those formula tunes.
  a stock epithet, phrase, or line repeated for various effects in literary composition, especially epic poetry
• (文学作品,尤指史诗)程式化用语
3. (pl. formulas)a list of ingredients for or constituents of something
• 配方
 »a blend of fifteen whiskies of different ages compiled to a secret formula.
  a formulation
• 制剂
 »an original coal tar formula that helps prevent dandruff.
  [mass noun] an infant's liquid food preparation based on cow's milk or soya protein, given as a substitute for breast milk
• (以牛奶或大豆蛋白为主料的)婴儿配方奶粉
4. (usually followed by a numeral) a classification of racing car, especially by the engine capacity
• (后接代表发动机排量的数字)赛车等级
1. early 17th cent. (in the sense 'fixed form of words (for use on ceremonial or social occasions)'): from Latin, diminutive of forma 'shape, mould'

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