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forty num./a.四十 pron.四十(个,只...)

/ 5fC:ti: /

(pl. -ies)
1. the number equivalent to the product of four and ten; ten less than fifty; 40[Roman numeral: xl or XL]
• 四十;四十个[罗马数字: xl或 XL]
 »Troy was only forty miles away.
 »forty were arrested.
 »there were about thirty or forty of them.
  (forties)the numbers from forty to forty-nine, especially the years of a century or of a person's life
• 四十几;四十年代;四十几岁
 »Terry was in his early forties.
  forty years old
• 四十岁
 »a tall woman of about forty.
  forty miles an hour
• 每小时四十英里
 »they were doing about forty.
  a size of garment or other merchandise denoted by forty
• (衣服等商品的)四十号
2. (the Forties)the central North Sea between Scotland and southern Norway, so called from its prevailing depth of forty fathoms or more The area is an important centre of North Sea oil production
• 四十英寻地区(位于苏格兰和挪威南部之间北海中部海域,该处海深普遍为四十多英寻,是北海产油中心)。
--› see roaring forties
  [Forties] a shipping forecast area covering the central North Sea east of Scotland
• 覆盖苏格兰以东北海中部海域的航情预报地区
forty winks
1. [informal] a short sleep or nap, especially during the day
[非正式] (尤指白天)小睡
fortieth ordinal number
fortyfold adjective & adverb
1. Old English fēowertig (see four , -ty )

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