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fresh a.新的,新近的;新鲜的;新颖的,(水)淡的

/ freF /

1. not previously known or used; new or different
• 以前所不知道的;未用过的;新的;新近的;不同的
 »the court had heard fresh evidence.
2. recently created or experienced and not faded or impaired
• 新创的;刚经历的;新鲜的;未凋谢的;未削弱的
 »the memory was still fresh in their minds.
  (of food) recently made or obtained; not tinned, frozen, or otherwise preserved
• (食品)新做的;刚到的;新鲜的;非罐装的;非冷藏的
  [predic.] (of a person) full of energy and vigour
• (人)精力充沛的;精神饱满的
 »they are feeling fresh after a good night's sleep.
  (of a colour or a person's complexion) bright or healthy in appearance
• (颜色)鲜艳的,鲜明的;(人的面色)气色好的,显得健康的
  (of a person) attractively youthful and inexperienced
• (人)年轻可爱但缺乏经验的
  [predic.] (fresh from/out of)(of a person) having just had (a particular experience) or come from (a particular place)
• (人)刚有过(某种经历)的;刚从(某地)来的
 »we were fresh out of art school.
3. (of water) not salty
• (水)淡的
  pleasantly clean, pure, and cool
• 干净的;纯洁的;凉爽的
 »a bit of fresh air does her good.
4. (of the wind) cool and fairly strong
• (风)凛冽的;强劲的
  [Brit. informal] (of the weather) rather cold and windy
[英,非正式] (天气)凛冽的;多风的
5. [informal] presumptuous or impudent towards someone, especially in a sexual way
[非正式] (尤指对异性)放肆的,大胆无礼的;专横的
 »some of the men tried to get fresh with the girls.
6. [W. Indian] having an unpleasant, slightly rotten smell
[西印度] 气味难闻的;有点臭的
 »this place was covered in water and smelled fresh like hell.
1. [usu. in combination] newly ; recently
• 新鲜地;最近地;刚;才
 »fresh-baked bread.
 »fresh-cut grass.
be fresh out of
1. [informal] have just sold or run out of a supply of (something)
[非正式] 刚卖完…;刚供应完…
(as) fresh as a daisy --› see daisy
fresh blood --› see blood
freshness noun
1. Old English fersc 'not salt, fit for drinking', superseded in Middle English by forms from Old French freis, fresche; both ultimately of Germanic origin and related to Dutch vers and German frisch

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