◙ noun 1. [一般作 fumes] gas, smoke, or vapour that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale • 刺鼻(或有害)的气,烟,汽 »clouds of exhaust fumes spewed by cars. 汽车喷出的阵阵废气。 a pungent odour of a particular thing or substance • 刺激性气味 »he breathed fumes of wine into her face. 他朝她脸上呼出了阵阵酒气。 (poetic/literary)a watery vapour, steam, or mist rising from the earth or sea • [诗/文] (从地面或海上升起的)水汽,薄雾 ◙ verb, [no obj.] 1. emit gas, smoke, or vapour • 冒气(或烟、汽) »fragments of lava hit the ground, fuming and sizzling. 熔岩的碎片落在地上,一边冒着烟一边发出咝咝的响声。 [with obj.] [usu. as adj. fumed] expose (especially wood) to ammonia fumes in order to produce dark tints • 熏(尤指木材) 2. feel, show, or express great anger • 感觉(或显示出、表达)愤怒 »he is fuming over the interference in his work. 他正在为有人干扰他的工作而发火。
♦ fumingly adverb ◘ fumy adjectivefumier, fumiest
1. late Middle English: from Old French fumer (verb), from Latin fumare 'to smoke'