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fun n.娱乐,乐趣;嬉戏,顽皮;有趣的人或事物

/ fQn /

1. [mass noun] enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure
• 享乐,娱乐;乐趣
 »the children were having fun in the play area.
  a source of this
• 娱乐或乐趣的来源;有趣的人(或事)
 »people-watching is great fun.
  playful behaviour or good humour
• 顽皮;风趣
 »she's full of fun.
  behaviour or an activity that is intended purely for amusement and should not be interpreted as having serious or malicious purpose
• 纯粹以娱乐为目的的行为(或活动),逗乐
 »the column's just a bit of fun.
1. [informal] amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable
[非正式] 有趣的;令人愉快的;快乐的
 »it was a fun evening.
  [attrib.] (of a place or event) providing entertainment or leisure activities for children
• (地点,活动)为孩子提供娱乐(或休闲活动)的
 »a school fun day.
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)joke or tease
[非正式,主北美] 开玩笑;取笑
 »[no obj.] no need to get sore—I was only funning.
 »[with obj.] they are just funning you.
for fun
1. (或 for the fun of it)in order to amuse oneself and not for any more serious purpose
• 为了好玩儿,闹着玩儿地
fun and games
1. amusing and enjoyable activities
• 有趣的活动,开心的玩乐
 »teaching isn't all fun and games.
someone's idea of fun
1. used to emphasize one's dislike for an activity or to mock someone else's liking for it
• [用于表示不喜欢某事或嘲讽他人对某事的喜欢]
 »being stuck behind a desk all day isn't my idea of fun.
in fun
1. not intended seriously; as a joke
• 不是当真的;开玩笑的
 »remember when you meet the press to say that your speech was all in fun.
like fun
1. (dated, chiefly N. Amer.)an ironic exclamation of contradiction or disbelief in response to a statement
[旧,主北美,讽] 决不会,哪里有这种事(表示反驳或不相信)
2. [Brit. archaic] vigorously or quickly
[英,古] 有力地;很快地
 »the mill is blazing away like fun.
make fun of
1. tease, laugh at, or joke about (someone) in a mocking or unkind way
• 取笑,嘲弄(某人)
not much (或 a lot of) fun
1. used to indicate that something strikes one as extremely unpleasant and depressing
• [用于表示对某事感到极为不快]
 »it can't be much fun living next door to him.
what fun!
1. used to convey that an activity or situation sounds amusing or enjoyable
• 多么有趣!
1. late 17th cent. (denoting a trick or hoax): from obsolete fun 'to cheat or hoax', dialect variant of late Middle English fon 'make a fool of, be a fool', related to fon 'a fool', of unknown origin.
--› compare fond
1. The use of fun as an adjective meaning ‘enjoyable’, as in we had a fun eveningis not fully accepted in standard English and should only be used in informal contexts. There are signs that this situation is changing, though, given the recent appearance in US English of comparative and superlative forms funner and funnest, formed as if fun were a normal adjective

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