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further vt.增进

/ 5fE:TE /

adverb, (也作 farther)
1. at, to, or by a greater distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing or person is or becomes distant from another)
• 更远地,较远地
 »for some time I had wanted to move further from London.
 »the EC seems to have moved further away from the original aims.
  [with negative] used to emphasize the difference between a supposed or suggested fact or state of mind and the truth
• [用于强调假想情况和真实情况之间的差异]远非(如此)
 »as for her being a liar, nothing could be further from the truth.
 »nothing could be further from his mind than marrying.
2. over a greater expanse of space or time; for a longer way
• (空间或时间上)更远地
 »we had walked further than I realized.
 »wages have been driven down even further.
  beyond the point already reached or the distance already covered
• 进一步地;再往前地
 »Amelie decided to drive further up the coast.
 »before going any further we need to define our terms.
  beyond or in addition to what has already been done
• 进一步地,在更大程度上,在更大范围内
 »we are investigating ways to further increase customer satisfaction.
  [sentence adverb] used to introduce a new point relating to or reinforcing a previous statement
• 此外,而且
 »Ethnic minorities are more prone to unemployment. Further, this disadvantage extends to other areas of life.
  at or to a more advanced, successful, or desirable stage
• 处于(或达到)更高(或更为成功、更为合意的)阶段
 »determination could not get her any further.
 »at the end of three years they were no further on.
1. (也作 farther )more distant in space than another item of the same kind
• (距离上)更远的,较远的
 »two men were standing at the further end of the clearing.
  more remote from a central point
• (离某中心点)更远的
 »the museum is in the further reaches of the town.
2. additional to what already exists or has already taken place, been done, or been accounted for
• 另外的,更多的,进一步的
 »cook for a further ten minutes.
1. [with obj.] help the progress or development of (something); promote
• 促进;推进;助长
 »he had depended on using them to further his own career.
further to your (或 our) ——
1. [formal] used at the beginning of a letter or in speech as a way of raising a matter discussed in an earlier letter, article, or conversation
[正式] [用在信件的开头或谈话中,提出以前在信件、文章或交谈中谈论过的事]有关在…中谈到的事情
 » further to your letter of 10.10.96, I enclose some correspondence from my previous addresses.
not go any further
1. (of a secret) not be told to anyone else
• (秘密)不泄露给别人
until further notice
1. used to indicate that a situation will not change until another announcement is made
• 在另行通知之前(情况不变)
 »the museum is closed to the public until further notice.
until further orders
1. used to indicate that a situation is only to change when another command is received
• 在另有指示之前(情况不变)
 »they were to be kept in prison until further orders.
furtherer noun
1. Old English furthor (adverb), furthra (adjective), fyrthrian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to forth
1. Is there any difference between further and farther in she moved further down the train and she moved farther down the trainBoth words share the same roots: in the sentences given above, where the sense is ‘at, to, or by a greater distance’, there is no difference in meaning, and both are equally correct. Further is a much commoner word, though, and is in addition used in various abstract and metaphorical contexts, for example referring to time, in which it would be unusual to substitute farther, e.gwithout further delay; have you anything further to say?; we intend to stay a further two weeksThe same distinction is made between farthest and furthestthe farthest point from the sun versus this first team has gone furthest in its analysis

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