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game n.游戏,娱乐;比赛;(pl.)运动会 vi.赌博

/ ɡeim /

1. a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck
• (尤指按一定规则通过技巧、力量或运气进行竞争的)游戏,运动
  a complete episode or period of play, typically ending in a definite result
• 运动(项目),比赛(项目)
 »a baseball game.
  a single portion of play forming a scoring unit in a match, especially in tennis
• (比赛中,尤其是网球比赛中的)一局,一盘,一场
  [Bridge] a score of 100 points for tricks bid and made (the best of three games constituting a rubber)
[桥牌] 获胜所需得分(三圈中分数最高的为一盘胜局)
  a person's performance in a game; a person's standard or method of play
• (比赛中的)场上表现,竞技水平
 »Rooks will attempt to raise his game to another level.
  (games)a meeting for sporting contests, especially athletics
• 运动会,竞技会
 »the Olympic Games.
  (games)[Brit.] athletics or sports as organized in a school
[英] (学校组织的)运动,体育活动
2. a type of activity or business, especially when regarded as a game
• (尤指被视作游戏的)活动,事务
 »this was a game of shuttle diplomacy at which I had become adept.
  a secret and clever plan or trick
• 花招,把戏
 »I was on to his little game, but I didn't want him to know.
  [often with negative] a thing that is frivolous or amusing
• 轻佻(或有趣)的事
 »a Tarot reading is not a game or a stunt.
3. [mass noun] wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food
• (打猎或觅为食用的)猎物
  the flesh of thesemammals or birds, used as food
• (作为食物的)猎物肉,野味
 »[as modifier] a game pie.
1. eager and willing to do something new or challenging
• 猎奇的,好斗的
 »they were game for anything after the traumas of Monday.
1. [no obj.] [often as noun modifier] (gaming)play at games of chance for money
• 赌博
 »a gaming machine.
  play video or computer games
• 放录像;玩电脑游戏
ahead of the game
1. ahead of one's competitors or peers in the same sphere of activity
• 领先
beat someone at their own game
1. use someone's own methods to outdo them in their chosen activity
• 以其人之道还治其人之身
the game is up
1. the deception or crime is revealed or foiled
• (诡计或罪行)被戳穿,被挫败
game on
1. a signal for play to begin in a game or match
• 比赛开始信号
  [Brit. informal] said when one feels that a situation is about to develop in one's favour
[英,非正式] (表示感觉情况即将向对自己有利的方向发展)情况不错;有好戏
 »She soon invited me back to her place. Game on!.
game over
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)said when a situation is regarded as hopeless or irreversible
[非正式, 主北美] 没有希望的,无法挽回的
the Great Game
1. spying
• 间谍活动
2. the rivalry between Britain and Russia in central Asia during the 19th century
• 大博弈(19世纪英俄两国在中亚地区的较量)
make (a) game of
1. (archaic)mock ; taunt
[古] 嘲笑;奚落
off (或 on) one's game
1. playing badly (or well)
• 竞技状态不佳(或佳)
on the game
1. [Brit. informal] working as a prostitute
[英,非正式] 卖淫
the only game in town
1. [informal] the best or most important of its kind; the only thing worth concerning oneself with
[非正式] 最好的;最重要的;最值得关心的
play someone's game
1. advance another's plans, whether intentionally or not
• (有意无意地)为别人帮忙
 »to what extent are they playing the government's game?
play the game
1. behave in a fair or honourable way; abide by the rules or conventions
• 办事公道,讲信誉;按章办事
play games
1. deal with someone or something in a way that lacks due seriousness or respect
• 闹着玩,不认真对待
 »Don't play games with me.
what's your (or the) game?
1. [informal] what's going on?
[非正式] 发生了什么事?
 »what are you up to?
gamely adverb
gameness noun
gamester noun
1. Old English gamen 'amusement, fun', gamenian 'play, amuse oneself', of Germanic origin
1. [dated] (of a person's leg) permanently injured; lame
[旧] (腿)残疾的;瘸的
1. late 18th cent.: originally dialect, of unknown origin

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