n 引力;倾向(gravitate+ion)
/ 7grAvI5teIFEn /
◙ noun, [mass noun] 1. movement, or a tendency to move, towards a centre of attractive force, as in the falling of bodies to the earth• 引力(如重力等)作用下的运动(或运动倾向) [Physics] a force of attraction exerted by each particle of matter in the universe on every other particle• [物理] (万有)引力。--› compare
gravity »the law of universal gravitation. 万有引力定律。 (figurative)movement towards or attraction to something• [喻] 移动;吸引 »this recent gravitation towards the Continent. 最近向欧洲大陆的人员流动。【派生】
♦ gravitational adjective♦ gravitationally adverb【语源】
1. mid 17th cent.: from modern Latin gravitatio(n-), from the verb gravitare (see gravitate )