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grow v.生长,成长;渐渐变成;栽培,种植;发展

/ ɡrEu /

(past grew gruː; past participle grown grəʊn), [no obj.]
1. (of a living thing) undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically; progress to maturity
• (生物)生长,成长;发育
 »he would watch Nick grow to manhood.
 »[as adj. growing] the linguistic skills acquired by the growing child.
 »[as adj. grown] the stupidity of grown men kicking a ball into a net.
  (of a plant) germinate and develop
• (植物)长,生长
 »it will even grow in plain gravel or sand.
  [with obj.] produce by cultivation
• 栽种,种植
 »more and more land was needed to grow crops for export.
  [with obj.] allow or cause (a part of the body) to grow or develop
• 使(身体的一部分)生长;留(须、发等)
 »[with obj. and complement] she grew her hair long.
  (of something abstract) come into existence and develop
• (抽象事物)产生;形成
 »an awareness of politics grows out of individuals' perception of the world around them.
2. become larger or greater over a period of time; increase
• 增大,发展;增加
 »turnover grew to more than $100,000 within three years.
 »[as adj. growing] a growing number of people are coming to realize this.
  [with obj.] (chiefly N. Amer.)cause (something, especially a business) to expand or increase
[主北美] 使(尤指工商企业)扩大,使增长
3. [with complement] become gradually or increasingly
• 逐渐变得,变得越来越
 »sharing our experiences we grew braver.
  [with infinitive] (of a person) come to feel or know something over time
• (人)逐渐感受到(或了解)
 »supposing we had grown to know and love nuclear power.
  (grow apart)(of two or more people) become gradually estranged
• (两个或两个以上的人)变得有隔阂
  (grow away from)become gradually separated from (one's family, friends, or background)
• 同 (家人、朋友或出身背景)逐渐疏远
 »emotionally his family had grown away from him.
grow on trees
1. [usu. with negative] [informal] be plentiful or easily obtained
[非正式] (好像长在树上似的)伸手即可得到,极易得到
 »sponsorship money doesn't grow on trees in the States.
growable adjective
1. Old English grōwan (originally referring chiefly to plants), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch groeien, also to grass and green
1. Although grow is typically used intransitively, as in he would watch Nick grow to manhoodits use as a transitive verb has long been standard in contexts which refer to growing plants and one's hairmore land was needed to grow crops; she grew her hair longRecently, however, grow has extended its transitive sense and become popular in business jargonentrepreneurs who are struggling to grow their businesses This is still a relatively new usage, and it is perhaps better to avoid it in formal contexts
grow into
1. become as a result of natural development or gradual increase
• 成长(或发展)为
 »Barrow-in-Furness grew into a fishing village of about three hundred people by the 1840s.
  become large enough to wear (a garment) comfortably
• 长大到适合穿(某件衣服)
grow on
1. become gradually more appealing to (someone)
• 越来越被…喜爱
 »this stuff grows on you.
grow out
1. disappear because of normal growth
• 因正常生长而消失
 »Colette's old perm had almost grown out.
grow out of
1. become too large to wear (a garment)
• 因长大而穿不下
 »blazers that they grew out of.
  become too mature to retain (a childish habit)
• 因长大而不再保留(幼稚习惯)
 »most children grow out of tantrums by the time they're three.
grow up
1. advance to maturity; spend one's childhood and adolescence
• 长成;长大
 »a young Muslim woman who grew up in Britain.
  [often in imperative] begin to behave or think sensibly and realistically
• [常用祈使语气]成熟,变得理智和现实
 »grow up, sister, and come into the real world.
   arise ; develop
• 发展,形成;兴起
 »a school of painting grew up in Cuzco.

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